I think there should be a hard mode patrol so that high level characters can patrol without bothering low level characters, for one, and also so the enemies are more difficult to kill (more beneficial for high level players)
Some of the differences I think would be cool to see in hard patrol would be:
[b]Chests:[/b] They would drop blues with a possibility for legendary or exotic, but they would spawn less frequently.
[b]Public Events:[/b] They could be more difficult and offer better rewards for high level players.
[b]World Bosses:[/b] They could incorporate some world bosses in the hard patrols to provide more incentive to go and patrol. These bosses could be weekly kill rewards similar to raid bosses.
[b]Patrol Missions:[/b] They could offer better faction xp rewards for completion. Lets say double xp or something. Anything that will help speed up the process of Vanguard and other faction rep.
[b]6 Player Fireteams:[/b] Hard mode patrol could be set up to accommodate 6 player fireteams.
Tell me what you guys think. Please provide your feedback or share your thoughts, as I love to hear other opinions.
Would love to get Cozmo to weigh in on this.
[b]Edited[/b] Hurrah for a blue post!
Edited by Potomo: 8/20/2015 9:45:24 PMI personally think it's better to leave patrols at the same levels because it's nice to help out low lvl players do stuff or show off, and also having there be only one version of the patrol means a higher population, which is always an issue since not many people go on patrol. What they could do is add areas that only high lvl players could survive in, similar to how in the very beginning of the game in Old Russia, where if you went exploring you could find ??? enemies in the Hollows, or underneath the helipad in the Skywatch. In these high lvl areas they could have the tougher public events, harder patrols, and these areas could also hide the world bosses. It would also be nice if exploration was rewarded a bit more. I remember during the first month of release, as well as during the beta, my friend and I had great fun exploring every area extensively. We were surprised however how little reward there was to it. We would find areas that were well hidden and difficult to get to, but it was rare to ever find anything. They do seem to be fixing this though as they have stated the Dreadnought does have many hidden surprises so hopefully it will be good in the exploration aspect.