Well, there has not been a full black shader released yet. You being New Monarchy should be happy you were given the God of War shader. Black is also the color of the most elite units in Halo, and the stripes are from the scratched idea of tigermen. I think you should be happy you're getting free stuff. The DLC is bound to have more interesting shaders, the Veteran one is just for showing off.
Funny enough, have never gotten god of war, and i personally think that ones a bit lazy too. BLAM. RED. THATS IT. Its just that flat colors across an entire set are boring to the eye, and while there hasnt been a pure black (which this probably isnt by the white on some of the characters), there is already plenty of black shaders to begin with.
Except Revenant also exists, and judging by one of the hunters in the video wearing it it also has white.
Revenant is dark grey and silver. The white you saw in the video was caused by the armor texture that armor had. The Prison of Elders has webbing that will always be white, just like that new armor shown in the trailer. This shader is black and has annoying stripes and I probably won't wear it, but there is no point in the OP complaining about free stuff.
Revenant is definitely not gray, it is definitely BLACK with black marks on it.
It's camo.
I know what it is.................................................
It's an awesome shader lol
I know it is, I have it.
Same here, I actually like the white in it. I just wish there was more gray though...