Why is Gjallarhorn being left behind? Because it became an exclutionary tool.
Bungie has stated numerous times that they want this to be a game where you can meet new people and make new friends along the way. If we have weapons/gear that some people will use to exlude others, then it defeats the purpose. Bungie doesn't want that to happen. They don't want people to feel left out and quit playing, all because rngeesus hasn't been as kind to them as others.
Solution: nerf the exclusionary items and then leave them behind.
Yeah, a few butt hurt people will leave. Odds are, these are the same people that were excluding others to begin with. No real loss there. However, with a new year comes new players.
Here's the part from the Weapon Tuning 2.0 weekly update that backs up my comments:
If Destiny had a nuke it would be the “Ballerhorn.” We definitely intended to have a high damage Heavy Weapon that was ideal for PvE destruction. [b]What we did not intend, and what we unfortunately saw, was pick up Raid and Nightfall groups gating participation based on whether or not players had this weapon.[/b] Gjallarhorn was so strong that for many people it had become the only answer to getting through tough encounters, and therefore [b]they were less willing to spend time with other players that didn’t have it.[/b][/quote]
Was abused in a pretty community unfriendly way. Glad it's not only nerfed, but left behind. Hopefully there won't be a repeat offense