I will be taking questions from the community on the stream, if you have any questions about The Taken King or something you are seeing on stream ask them here.
1) It was mentioned that quests will unlock as you rank up in factions, vanguard, crucible etc. but what about veteran players that have say 50+ rank already, are they going to miss out on lower rank quests? I believe I heard mention of subclass quests for new players that were going to cover year I classes(striker, gunslinger, void walker) too, will year I players miss out on these ? Are they a thing? 2) I heard rumblings about the story in year I destiny getting some additional cutscenes, mission rearrangements along with the new ghost VO from Nolan North but have heard nothing since. Is that actually happening ? 3) Will we be getting extra character creation slots with the release of TTK or ever for that matter? For people that may want to start fresh with friends.