Why did you fix, nerf and buff a bunch of exotics for 2.0 when they're going to be obsolete in PvE anyway?
They'll still be relevant in all of year 1 content. (Strikes, raids, Poe, etc.) It's in year 2 content that will make them seem obsolete. All of the year one weapons will still be boss in year 1 content. A lot of people are over looking this because they're too attached to their current weapons.
[quote]Why did you fix, nerf and buff a bunch of exotics for 2.0 when they're going to be obsolete in PvE anyway?[/quote] Because -blam!- PVE. Regular crucible modes have gear levels off
More like we have a bunch of wussies in the crucible.
[quote]More like we have a bunch of wussies in the crucible.[/quote] PvE scrubs can't even beat Skola. -blam!- outta here.
I did and I'm a scrub. Wussy pvpers are the reason weapons get "fixed". Real players overcome and adapt.
[quote]I did and I'm a scrub. Wussy pvpers are the reason weapons get "fixed". Real players overcome and adapt.[/quote] Weapons get rebalanced because of data charts and consistencies, not people whining on forums. And there's just as many pve whiners as pvp whiners. You whining right now. Matter of fact. I wreck shit in both, you won't hear a peep out of me. You'll just see me carrying baddies, geared up and iced out.
I'm stating a fact. I'll be the first to admit I suck at crucible and you don't see me crying like half these people on the forums. Vex sucks because of crucible. Suros? Same thing. Now thorn. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. Never do I whine
I'm not good at the PvP stuff either. I don't like using hand cannons or sniper rifles and that is all people use, also shotgun blinking is finally getting nerfed, I will sometimes beast in PvP because I don't encounter many blink shotgun cheese players. I'm not complaining about this just wish I could use my auto rifles and fusion rifles again. I'm a day one player and I don't even think about using the auto rifles or fusion rifles again. I don't feel like being insta killed with a sniper rifle or thorn
[quote]I'm stating a fact. I'll be the first to admit I suck at crucible and you don't see me crying like half these people on the forums. Vex sucks because of crucible. Suros? Same thing. Now thorn. Sometimes I win and sometimes I lose. Never do I whine[/quote] Gjallahorn, Black Hammer, and Icebreaker, literally the 3 worst nerfs incoming, are because of PvE baddies. You need to stop smoking that shit.
I guess I'm smoking the same stuff you are. 3 from pvp and 3 from pve. Aside from people complaining about not getting gally and skolas pvp is mostly whiners. Just read the forums. You don't need all this data charts to know that.
[quote]I guess I'm smoking the same stuff you are. 3 from pvp and 3 from pve. Aside from people complaining about not getting gally and skolas pvp is mostly whiners. Just read the forums. You don't need all this data charts to know that.[/quote] You can't blame pvp players or PvE players. You need to blame baddies. That's the point.
I agree
But you do have to admit most of these whiners are from pvp. Even the ones in my clan whine.
[quote]But you do have to admit most of these whiners are from pvp. Even the ones in my clan whine.[/quote]no. I see whining on both fronts equally. I think the disparity is that BUNGIE spends more time dealing with pvp complaints, rather then PvE ones.
I don't know. Like I said besides the ones that didn't have gally and can't finish skolas I have yet to see anyone complain about black hammers awesomeness