Simple. I want an option to do the weekly strike solo again.
I don't care if the difficulty remains ridiculous and enemies are way OP. I just want to do it alone.
I've run into too many jerks and Leeroy Jenkins types for it to be any fun.
At least if I do it alone I can play how I want to and not have to "play friends" with two other people.
The douchebag quotient is extremely high and quite frankly I've had enough of running into those kinds of players. I can deal with people who zerg and die. I can't deal with people who are jerks.
The other day I did a weekly. We got to the end just fine (besides one dude being afk about 70% of the time). When we get to the end what happens? (team was me as hunter and a warlock and a titan). The Warlock runs in I follow and we start to clear. We clear then the warlock retreats to the "safe spot" in the back left (looking out from entrance). The Titan/afkguy sits in the spot that spawns all those adds constantly that train anyone alive. So, I'm fighting (hadn't noticed the warlock not doing anything yet) and naturally get rushed and die. Warlock does nothing. Titan does nothing. I was in a safe spot not out in no man's land, so I sit there pondering what these retards are doing. After about 5 mins the Titan sends me a PSN message "We'll just sit here until you leave." I would have liked to have just stayed out of spite, but I was 4am so I just left.