Did you people even think about it ramifications of this? You guys are aware that the gally and other year one exotics are going to be "frozen in time", never to be upgraded ever again. Now, I could be a bitch on the forums, calling people idiots, or claim that they are bungie's sheep.... But I'm not going to be a bitch.
My question is, WHY you are okay with the gally ( and for the sake of having a good discussion: other one year exotics ) being left behind? For most of us, these exotics (like gally) were not easy to get. I just wonder why you guys are fine leaving them behind after countless months are grinding.
UPDATE: What I mean by calling people names, is that I could be toxic like some people are. I don't want to be that toxic person. All I wanted to have a good discussion about this.
I've played with all the old guns for a year and im ready for something new. This it what happens in games. You can keep using the weapons, they will still be effective in there own right. It's really not that big of a deal.
This syndrome is called : Resisting to changes. You see that in every aspect of life. At school, at work, with the food you eat, the places you go. Human nature tend to like and get confortable in a quite static environment. People that resist to changes are the worst to deal with and there is a lot of them. You want to implement a new way of doing things, a new program, new tools, to be more efficient and reduce risk of injury or what else, and you always end up with a bunch of people crying ''whyyyyyy, my old 30 years old tool do the job JUST FINE, LEAVE ME ALONE''. Can you imagine that when the first computer got introduced to daily life, people were bitching about it? It happened! ''Stupid fax machine that doesn't work (i.e. that i don't understand), sending papers by standard mail service is so much less trouble!'' You have to realise that the world evolve, can't stop progress, and even thought you are confortable in your today's gear, you should embrace the future and leave the stuff behing, let it go! We would still be using squared wheel if people before you wouldn't have embraced the change. How can you know, maybe something two times better is waiting across the corner, do not fear the future, embrace it, learn, adapt and become better. Resisting changes is a sign of fear, fear of the future, the unknown. Fear of losing something you know you like for something you absolutely don't know what it is. Have no fear, look ahead with desire, open the way for the less brave, become legend
Edited by shock: 8/21/2015 2:39:17 PMBecause we don't care if we have the most op gun in the game. Improvise or for god's sake USE A DIFFERENT GUN! It's like you guys don't want to have and not kill a boss in seconds.[spoiler]And don't even try to say I don't have Gjallarhorn, because if you check my grimoire, you'll see enough.[/spoiler]
I've got every exotic weapon, and don't give a shit some of them are being left behind. It's time for change.
I am...However year 1 exotics should be legendary weapons then. An exotic that can't be current in number output, not very exotic at all.
Because we don't depend on gally to do every single activity that involves killing a boss
Edited by gofrogs827: 8/21/2015 2:32:00 PMGally has had its time... It's time for us to find a new gun. Vex has also had its time...
because I DONT CARE and im already tired of them. that's why. lets move on please.
I like the idea of having all new weapons. It'll make the game interesting again.
It keeps gameplay fresh. I may not be one of them, but there are people who have gotten most of the exotics and desirable legendarys. Using the same gun, grinding the same strikes or story missions gets boring. Leaving the old behind and giving us new gear to hunt for, keeps the game playable. Yeah, I'm sad to lose some old favorites. But excited to find that new favorite. If I had the option to use the same gun throughout the life span of Destiny. I'd probably stop playing after I'd done everything the exact same way for months.
the game already makes us do the same thing over and over again. I do not want to be using the same guns over and over again.
Maybe...just maybe they have a greater plan. Who knows. Maybe in year three we will see some old favorites come back. This game is a long term deal. I can only imagine somewhere down the line the ghorn will make a triumphant return.
"Frozen in time" is a lot different than "at this time" which is what they said in the reveal.
People are realizing that bungee doesn't care what they think. Bit ching is pointless unless you do it for fun, since no one is truly listening anyway.
What's to say they wont add more Y2 versions later on?
Every loot based game I've played has always had something better to strive for as a goal. The only time this aspect ended was when you neared the actual end of the game. As the challenges got harder the gear needed to overcome them got better. I've never played a game where the best the game had to offer was attained at the very beginning and the rest of game became smooth sailing to the finish. The BIGGEST mistake made by Bungie was to allow items from the original release to progress to the point it was capable of EASILY dispatching targets/challenges in the DLCs. Their second large scale gaff was removing weapon/gear as possible rewards. IMO, if I played original game storyline/activites then the loot/reward system should be weighted in such a manner that I am more likely to gain items from that era. The same would apply when playing TDB or HoW specific events. Doing so I think would satisfy the collector in me. But still I'd know that such gear would become increasingly ineffective as I progressed to new content but would always be quite playable in PVP.
I'm just ready to find new stuff. I've been bored a long time.
Because Gjally eliteism will end And a new one will begin
Lets be real, Gjallarhorn was more than a weapon. It was cheese incarnate. Charlemagne brought up a great point that most bosses are bullet sponges and the community hated it. Gjallarhorn became (in most people's minds) the one and only way to get your loot fast and easy. Without having to design all year two bosses with scaled up health to survive that onslaught Bungie is paving the way to better boss fights.
Because people need to get the heck over the CrutchHorn, and use one of the new rocket launchers that we will get.
Preface to those that don't venture here often, I'm [b]not [/b]a Bungie Employee, my thoughts and opinions are my own. I, personally, am excited for the meta game shift. This is beyond PvP or PvE, but rather the mindset of the next wave of "go to" weapons. Those of us that have played for year 1 typically will have set load outs that we use for specific activities, especially those that play raids regularly. Bungie is throwing a monkey wrench in the mix. They have all the hard numbers and I find that using the same guns for months on end probably isn't what Bungie had in mind for the long run of Destiny. For those of you following Destiny even around the first initial reveal in February 2014 and at GDC Conferences, you'll know early on Bungie talked about the mechanics of Destiny is expected to change over time. Things that are good now may look completely different a year from now. I think that's the best part. There is a time and a place for everything in Destiny. 5 years from now, you (all of us) will be able to say "yeah, remember when everyone was using this load out?" Or insert whatever weapon/gear/item you want. That's something only us select few year 1 Guardians will be able to cherish. Time passes, things change. Acquire new stuff, make more friends and enjoy yourself. That's what it's about IMO.
The only one that upsets me if it doesn't make it will be MIDA. That gun had no reason to be removed; very balanced
I just don't get why they would leave [b]exotics[/b] behind
There is no proof to show that they can never be upgraded again. I believe it will happen some time, there is no point to nerfing just to make it obsolete. Also, it's just pixels on a screen. I don't feel attached to ANY pixels on a screen.
The next dlc or the one after that in the hype video i guarantee that there will be close up shot of a guardian holding a year 2 ghorn... Thats all they are doing right now is making sure you spend money later for shit you have already had.....bungie is getting better at being Activisions pet...wait and see
Evolution is a good thing. I like not living in a cave and being unafraid of fire....