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Edited by Phoenix King: 8/21/2015 12:37:26 PM

For people who are fine with gally ( and one year exotics) being left behind...

Did you people even think about it ramifications of this? You guys are aware that the gally and other year one exotics are going to be "frozen in time", never to be upgraded ever again. Now, I could be a bitch on the forums, calling people idiots, or claim that they are bungie's sheep.... But I'm not going to be a bitch. My question is, WHY you are okay with the gally ( and for the sake of having a good discussion: other one year exotics ) being left behind? For most of us, these exotics (like gally) were not easy to get. I just wonder why you guys are fine leaving them behind after countless months are grinding. UPDATE: What I mean by calling people names, is that I could be toxic like some people are. I don't want to be that toxic person. All I wanted to have a good discussion about this.

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  • Did you not watch the twitch reveal? They said, "these are the only year one exotics being upgraded to year 2, FOR NOW."

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  • Edited by Thebostoner: 8/21/2015 2:23:32 AM

    ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) - old

    I am fine with exotics [u][b]gjallarhorn[/b][/u] being left behind

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  • Gally is overused and too powerful. It will either be nerfed into oblivion or still be a powerhouse and have too much dps. It outshines other launchers too much.

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  • Edited by CavScout00: 8/21/2015 2:23:30 AM
    They think all these new guns are going to be awesome. If its anything like the past dlcs once you pick it up it will feel like a peashooter compared to what you used to have. Everyone just assumes they will be better. There's a lot of new people who didnt experience the grind of 60 raids just to get that one gun you wanted. And doing everything possible every week for an exotic drop over and over to finally get it months later. Theres some that want new guns because they cant get the good stuff now. I cant believe people are over looking that fact that once taken king drops all there is to do is taken king content. Everything else is obsolete. So your stuck running only one raid......... I remember those back in the VoG days and this game got stale fast. Bottom line.... Day oners experienced more let downs and crappy rewards for their time invested.

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  • They're gonna stay behind to most likely stay relevant to people who don't want to buy TTK. You don't have to buy it. It probably won't make much of a difference without the Expansion.

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  • I'm perfectly ok with it being left behind because: 1: Blah, blah, blah, Wouldn't want to be using it in year 10, blah, blah, blah 2: A game shouldn't be defined around one weapon. 3: It makes the game too easy.

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  • Bungie is so back and forth with the ability to ascend weapons I'm sure when the next destiny comes out if we are able to carry on weapons we will be able to ascend them we do t really know for a fact about anything.

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  • I'm bored with using the same guns. Ready for a new chase.

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  • I'm fine with it because I get how the new light system works

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  • Its time to move onto the next best thing. But i come from a mmorpg background so i guess km just some of the few who know what its like to keep looking for that next best gun

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  • Edited by CJV04: 8/21/2015 1:58:04 AM
    I have to agree with you man. Now it would be one thing if this was Destiny 2. It is not. It is an expansion. From Destiny 1. Otherwise it would be priced as a full game. I have a problem with grinding hundreds of hours to finally get the loadout I want and having to start all over. I have a problem with the 10 different currencies that have been used in this game because Bungie can't get their crap together. I have a problem with a lot. Especially a game I've invested this much time into. Even Bungie themselves said going forward they did not want to negate anything Guardians have done and make stuff useless. And yet that's exactly what they're doing. And you know what the sad part of this rant is?? I'll still -blam!-ing buy because I've put too much time in to quit now.

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    1 Reply
    • I'm okay with it because they are boring now. New guns, new challenges, new OP weapons. Bring it.

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    • I'm okay with it because I like change and I don't want to be using Gally for another 9 years.

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    • Edited by Doctor Electric: 8/21/2015 2:09:31 AM
      I'm okay with it, they included Thunderlord in the Y2 reel and that's all I care about! In all honesty, I'm not very okay with this concept that a few exotics are being left behind, BUT I do feel like it's necessary to give players a little incentive to check out some of that new gear, I mean how many people do you think were really going to bother to go through with the new gear if they had their Fatebringers and Gjallahorns equipped? Bungie made those weapons perfect, a bit too perfect if you ask me.

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    • Because that means there are some cool new OP weapons waiting for us in year 2. I'll have fun talking with my clan members years from now, asking, remember when the Gjallarhorn ruled all in year 1? Good times!

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    • Because I have all of the exotics and legendaries I could want maxed out now. I love the grind, and feeling of joy when I finally get the one elusive gun I've wanted. With the taken king, I'm hoping to relive that experience with all new weapons, armour, shaders, (maybe even ghost shells) where when the one thing you've wanted for ages finally drops, and you feel an immense sense of elation and joy

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    • I've played mmos. New raid, new progression, new gear That said...exotics should be timeless

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    • I honestly don't care because I'm sure the next best thing will be waiting for me when TTK launches

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      2 Replies
      • Because I'm not so invested in my weapons that I'm getting worked up about it. Also, I'm excited for new weapons and gear to replace those I will be losing.

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        • It's not just about the GyellaCorn imo It was made out and I'm pretty sure quoted that exotics would carry over though the life of the entire series or at least though destiny 1 and ttk is an expansion not a stand alone title I'm more worried about armor like the ram which im in love with [spoiler]for pve[/spoiler] And the void breakers [spoiler]for pvp[/spoiler] And lots of other exotics those two are just the most recently added and what I like the most If anything there should just be a set number of year 1s we can bring to year 2 and let us choose... at the vary least on armor

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        • Im fine leaving it behind because this is a new chapter of d estinys history. I would love for there to be multiple options and not one go to exotic for every boss every raid every strike. Its time for something new and a different experience. Besides thos gun is only dead to year 2 content you can use it in all year one.

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