Take the contents of the link with a pinch of salt. "The best windows ever." I'm not sure I believe that just yet.
So I just finished installing, tweaking settings and creating a full disk backup of windows 10. For the most part it's not a great deal different from windows 8. Theres a couple of things that have bugged me so far.
[*]It tries once more to tell me I need to sign into an account and store all my shit online. No thanks, every setting I could find that sounded like it might upload data for no reason got turned off pretty sharpish. And no I don't need to sign into my microsoft account, there is [i]nothing[/i] I would gain from having all my stuff tied together. In fact I truly despise when accounts link information together without explicitly asking me first.
[*]Following on from above, I have no use for a OneDrive account, and even if I'm not signed into a OneDrive account I have to have the link in my folder pane. At least I would have to had I not carried out a minor registry tweak.
[*]Similar to the point above is microsoft adding crap where I don't want it with no way of tidying up. When I open "This PC" There's a bunch of folders at the top, most I will genuinely never use. Again though a small registry edit and they're gone.
[*]As has been the case for about 3 versions of windows now, all your documents on local disk are indexed by default. So a small edit of indexing options and that's removed. However this setting did not carry over from Windows 8, little annoying.
[*]Following on from the privacy point of view, whilst I was looking through the settings, there's a whole bunch which are about allowing installed applications to access hardware and/or personal data. A little annoying I had to set these all to off as their default position was on.
[*]Lastly we come to [url=http://dir-x.net/p/bungie/mscnuts.jpg]this image.[/url] What you're looking at is the microsoft management console, and what I'm attempting to do is to load user groups into the window to then edit my account and grant myself basically god mode permissions (So when you do things like try and delete a folder in "Program files" the computer doesn't argue). It's not very complicated but in my opinion is enough of a step I'm not going to do it by accident. M$; give me -blam!-ing control of my own -blam!-ing PC will you?
So what have you experienced in it so far? Found anything that would benefit the crowd? Have any praise or criticisms of you own?
It suxs ass, windows 87 ftw