Preface to those that don't venture here often, I'm [b]not [/b]a Bungie Employee, my thoughts and opinions are my own.
I, personally, am excited for the meta game shift. This is beyond PvP or PvE, but rather the mindset of the next wave of "go to" weapons. Those of us that have played for year 1 typically will have set load outs that we use for specific activities, especially those that play raids regularly.
Bungie is throwing a monkey wrench in the mix. They have all the hard numbers and I find that using the same guns for months on end probably isn't what Bungie had in mind for the long run of Destiny.
For those of you following Destiny even around the first initial reveal in February 2014 and at GDC Conferences, you'll know early on Bungie talked about the mechanics of Destiny is expected to change over time. Things that are good now may look completely different a year from now. I think that's the best part.
There is a time and a place for everything in Destiny. 5 years from now, you (all of us) will be able to say "yeah, remember when everyone was using this load out?" Or insert whatever weapon/gear/item you want.
That's something only us select few year 1 Guardians will be able to cherish. Time passes, things change. Acquire new stuff, make more friends and enjoy yourself. That's what it's about IMO.
"5 years from now..." LOL, really? Five years from now Destiny will be an abandoned wasteland of lost potential. A-vision will have swallowed up what's left of the $500 million to distribute to other titles that are actually relevant (if they haven't done that by year three).
spawn, I hear you and you are correct without saying, but when one spends 1100 hours to finally get one they kinda cherish it more than any other weapon they "earned". im a day one player and saw people on their 7th just a scant two months into the game for gods sake so it created a yearning everytime I reached for my controller. so to just say nah is kind of a bitch slap. I mean sure we will get over it but some of us defended bungie and took ridicule for a long time without one. and yes blasting yellow enemies to smithereens when they were about to take YOUR life with your gally was sometimes a great moment. I do hope there is something just slightly around the corner that replaces this weapon because grinding for another 1100 hours to get something really worthwhile.... I just don't think I have it in me.
You make it sound like 1100 hours of work man why not stop grinding and start enjoying the game.
make no mistake it was 1100 hours of fun, I got my moneys worth no ones saying otherwise. but it was a shared experience of fun and envy/greed in the same thread. I wanted to shoot the damn thing the whole time I played and no one can fault me for that. and ever since then ive truly loved using my weapon in the way that I want to play and use it in a game that I bought with my money and spent MY time doing NF raids and everything else. BUT to tell me that "nah" were not going that way and if my luck kinda runs the same as it did for the first year and 1100 hours may be my time to get something I really like to use like I do my gally.. well it kind of sucks in my opinion and it doesn't have to suck for you raven, but im entitled to my own opinion about what I like or don't like or how long it took and the reward that I loved using more than any other gun in the game. there were many many many a late night where yes killing crota was bloody well work. one person dies and everyone starts over and over and over. so to act like it wasn't work at times is truly not a fair statement.
Edited by EchoesOfMadness: 8/21/2015 2:41:34 PMI hear you man. I was lucky enough to be at the tower week two when xur (who I had never seen before) sold Gjallahorn. All my friends were like don't do it man buy armor to level up and if you use that you won't be able to use an exotic primary lol I ignored them and said ?$&@ you guys this rocket launcher is gorgeous and I'm buying it and I spent every single coin I had on it. It was my very first exotic. Oh boy me and her had some good times didn't we Gally? Never been excluded and always was the coolest kid around lol til now I put her away cuz gallys are far too trendy now ;)
that's really cool man, I didn't know about xur until like week three because I was an xbox convert who bought the ps4 bundle and didn't have any friends to help explain the game and by the time I read about him it was week 3. missed it and did everything there ever was trying to get that gun and have a full time job and kids. jealous of how much time you had with her! maybe if I hadn't gotten my first one til like almost mid this year I might be more inclined to say yeah go ahead take it away. I just hadn't had the time I wanted with her lol.
Edited by DISN: 8/21/2015 12:36:12 PM[quote]For those of you following Destiny even around the first initial reveal in February 2014 and at GDC Conferences, you'll know early on Bungie talked about the mechanics of Destiny is expected to change over time.[/quote] I can only hope that the fact that Ice Breaker, Gjallarhorn and many other "overpowered" weapons are getting frozen in time means that enemies/bosses won't be bullet sponges anymore and we'll actually get more attack patterns coming from them. The whole level design team needs to rethink the way they present us waves over waves of enemies in these static maps. Right now, Destiny is just like Firefight mode from ODST/Reach, i.e. enter a map and send 2-3 waves of enemies before continuing. This has to stop, in some ways! Give us interesting encounters like you guys used to do, I miss those "multiple ways to deal with stuff" philosophy old Bungie games had.
I am also curious on how strikes and raid encounters change in year 2 content because some of our "go to" weapons won't be up to par at least for now, in terms of power level. It will be a different mindset.
My problem with this statement is when you said "that's not how Bungie intended for the game to be played". In the original hype of Destiny, one of the key selling points was "play the way you want", well how are we supposed to do that when Bungie nerfs and abandons the way we want to play?
You can still play the way you want to play. Use those guns that you want to. They may just do less damage. You are going to choose to not use those weapons because you want to use an item with more damage per second output. Bungie is not removing them from the game, they still can and will kill enemies.
True, but in order to be able to access the end game content, were going to HAVE to abandon most of our beloved weapons and gear. Basically, Bungie is saying "play the way we want you to or you won't be playing the content you paid for." Not very fair if you ask me.
Not exactly. The guns will just do less damage. You dont have to abandon them. You will for higher DPS weapons, but that choice will be on you.
It's not my choice when you make the weapon I like useless you know as well as everyone else if there was a year 2 version of gally it wouldn't be left behind
Now this is finally a very inteligent way to counter argue their decision. Props to you kind sir. Also the irony combined with you nick gives it an additional kick LOL.
Nicely said man.
Bump nailed it
Solid answer bro.
Is Hard Light gonna be upgraded? If you know, plz tell me, it's my favorite exotic and I don't want to leave it behind
Iam sure it will since its a OMOLON weapon.
I think it will be as it is an Omolon weapon. Just as Suros Regime is a SUROS weapon. However, this is just speculation.
No idea. We'll have to wait and see.
I agree completely
And soon we might get the posts: who remembers Gally? Like the posts about Shadow Price and other vanilla gear.
Edited by IceSki117: 8/21/2015 8:18:09 AMThey should set up a memorial statue in the tower for it. Then all of the new guardians that come in later years can gaze upon the legendary exotic of year 1. Then we can have a reason to pull it out and show it off.