Removing Year 1 exotics is a poor choice from a purely gameplay perspective and removes variety from the game. Unlike legendary items which can be replaced with a new version with bigger numbers and similar perks with little to no changes in gameplay, exotics carry with them unique perks which can functionally change playstyle and add variety to the way we play the game.
So unlike replacing a +10 sword with a +20 sword in an MMO expansion, obsoleting Year 1 exotics is more like taking away skills and replacing them with different ones. Everyone would obviously be upset if the Gunslinger, Defender, and Voidwalker subclasses were removed after announcing the three new subclasses; it would take away major gameplay options from the player. Removing Year 1 exotics works in the exact same way on a smaller scale.
Items like Pocket Infinity, Patience & Time, MIDA, or Saint-14 are irreplaceable in terms of function, and removing them removes available choices from the player. This isn't just about Gjallahorn being used as a crutch (after all, it can and will be nerfed), but rather about taking away content. An expansion should expand upon the gameplay options we have now so we can have an even wider arsenal of weapons and playstyles to choose from. We shouldn't be paying $40 to have content removed from our game.
well there not removing them they just not upgrading them all of them and they are put year 2 version in of some you be able to bay them start away at tower if you have the year 1 version when taken king is out
Strongly agree
Very well put
I wasn't aware that they are just removing the Exotics form my possession. Oh wait, I just won't be upgradable
Wait they're taking away patience and time? Thats my fav exotic :(
Its a choice they made because gjaalarhorn is too good and they cant stop people from using it so they are taking away a bunch of other exotics to make it seem like they are not singling out gjaalarhorn
Well said. I completely agree. There is no reason to make it so we can't use any exotic we want in TTK.
You can use any exotic you want...
The whole discussion here is that only a [u]few[/u] Year 1 exotics will be making the jump to support TTK-level activities.
But you can still use whatever you want, its just older and a little weaker. That's fine I'm all for having a reason to chase the new stuff. The old isn't gone
[quote]But you can still use whatever you want, its just older and a little weaker. That's fine I'm all for having a reason to chase the new stuff. The old isn't gone[/quote] The discussion appears to be over your head with that last comment. They're not worried about it being ripped from their Vault. They're worried about its efficiency.