only grind for exotics, everything else is irrelevant.
it seems like they have a way for you to keep all of your weapons and gear relevant through infusion. Year 3 stuff will likely out do the year 2 stuff in typical MMO fashion. its the way all of these games go
why grind for exotics when i can buy them from Xur?
Xur only sells 4 exotics per week but i suppose if you have enough strange coins and motes you can just blast through those. My thought is to save your coins and motes until TTK arrives then use them to purchase the new year 2 exotics! grinding for year 1 exotics will allow you to have the blueprints for any that carry to year 2 and saves your coins for the next level stuff
Exotics will also be out dated but that is my plan as well
i figure the more exotics i have, the more year 2 blueprints ( and therefore year 2 exotics) i will have as well
Exotics shouldn't be separated by year..I my opinion. But i also have almost every exotic so ill have tons of blueprints.