I am TheLordCypher and I approve this message.
Beautiful my friend, just beautiful. I could not have wished for a more honest and thought provoking post. With that said.....
I AM DONE!!!! I'm currently trying to get a refund from Microsoft for my digital purchase of TTK but if I can not that is fine. 2,000 hours WASTED on Bungivisions great LIE. I did not realize Bungivision 10 year plan was:
Lie for 10 years.
Make everything useless after a year.
Overcharging for pathetic re-skins.
Truly endless grinding that not even devotion can end.
Broken PVP.
Yearly lame resetting of everything.
Glitch filled content.
I'll just stop here because there's just too much to say and I don't have all day.
Congrats Bungie and Activision you both milked me of my time and money for an entire year but lost me forever as a supporter. I will NEVER buy another game or DLC from you and I am so HAPPY I never played CoD or Halo. Knowing the great Destiny year one FAIL was and is the ONLY time I wasted my time and money on these two useless companies does leave me some solace and closure.
For those of you who decided to stay. I say good luck my friends and endure.
Edit: I'm happy announce that I was successful at receiving my refund for the taking king. I'm officially done with destiny. Hooray for me!
Actually bungie was a good company and good at making content until they signed a contract with Activision and most of the people at bungie went over to 343I to work on halo.
Bump - Cypher I agree, keep in touch bud. Followed.
I will. Thanks
Its like that decision to finally give up World of Warcraft! XD!! You will be missed, good sir. You need to stay in contact, though. For sure. Add me when you can, bro.
I will. =D