Dear Destiny community,
Please stop complaining! The numerous complaints about things that shouldn't even be complained about.
First you have the people that complain that Xur sold the gjallahorn. Then the people that complained he sold it because Bungie was nerfing it. And the people that bought the gjallahorn from xur and are complaining they won't have enough time to use it before the nerf. The people that complain what xur is selling. The people that complain about the rng system. And the people that complain that the crappy exotics that no one uses will not get upgraded in TTK. Then there are the people that cry because they don't have every exotic in the game. You also have the people that blink/shotgun and are complaining that it is getting nerfed. And finally you have the people that are complaining they can use the fatebringer for 10 years straight. People are always finding something ridiculous to complain about.
I want to talk about the topic and there is no ascension for legendarys. Everything happens for a reason. If Bungie didn't basically "discontinue" year 1 legendarys you would pay $60 every 2 years for the games themself plus dlcs. You would pay hundreds of dollars for basically a new campaign and a few new maps and if your lucky a new game mode. If they did let you ascend legendarys people would complain about lack of armor and weapon content because they would use the same fatebringer for years.
Why are people complaining they have to level up exotics again? Are you that lazy? If you starting with the guns maxed out, there would be no progression to make. There would be no reason to play the game.
Bungie is by far the best gaming company when it comes to listening to their community in my opinion. They listened about the lack of vault space and addressed the issue. They listened about factions packages not being good and addressed that. They listened about how op the thorn and blink/shotgun was and are currently trying to adress that issue. That truly listen to what the community says IF it's a good idea that benefits everyone.
My final thoughts to the complainers? Just stop complaining. That's all I have to say. They are doing what's best for them, you, and myself. I will always support Bungie just because of how much they listen to the community. So all I ask is that you either try and look at these "issues" from another perspective or just wait and see how amazing this game becomes. And if you don't like what they are doing then don't buy the game, and don't lurk on the forums of a game you hate and complain about it.
Edited by Azreal80: 8/21/2015 2:53:00 PMSorry. I think some folks are upset because many re-leveled their exotics at Xur during the dark below days from 300 up to 331 by paying a large sum of glimmer and getting a new un-leveled 331 version and [u]Bungie apologized and said that was not a proper way to treat players and invalidate their time and investment. [/u] So the next DLC and the HoW they allowed an exotic shard to be used to upgrade the exotic weapons or armor. [u]Bungie said this was a better way to year players time and investment. [/u] But now we come to the NEW TTK exotic blueprint plan This feels just like dark below when newer higher damage exotics were not dropping in VoG and then if we wanted a new higher tier exotic we had to go to a special kiosk at the tower (Xur) and have acquired the old version of that exotic and then pay a large sum of currency to get that new version that was unleveled ...... Sound familiar to anyone. Sure sounds a lot like that new exotic blueprint kiosk at the tower. And Bungie apologized for that mess and said player time and investment was important...... I think players are mad, upset or concerned that once again their time is being invalidated and wasted. Many are concerned. I understand that many Desticle's will tell us that these new exotics are [b]completely different weapons [/b] because the perks are already unlocked or they have minor differences like the faster fire rate on the black Suros However most average minded individuals would look at those guns and see that [b]both versions, the black and white Suros regime are still called SUROS REGIME !![/b] but they are painted different colors ...... So it kinda feels like the same weapon just un leveled, expensive, requires you found a old version and has a higher damage stat Sound familiar.