*the chain wraps around his ankle and starts dragging him toward me*
"Ahhhhh!!!!!!!!" [b](whats about to happen?)[/b]
*the chain drags you in front of me and I trip over you*
"Ow!" [b]Elijah goes into a protective position from whatever is about to happen[/b]
You just had to interrupt my reading you jackass *theres a brief muffled scream as I stomp on the book*
[b]Elijah looks up, scared.[/b] "I...I'm sorry!!!!"
*i take the earbuds out* Are you alright?
"I have no memories, no idea who anyone on this ship is, and whats more, someone has already shot me for no reason!!!!!"
That's what happens when you're the exact same person they just killed
"What.... What are you talking about?"
Simple terms let's see...you're a hologram of a person we recently killed
"What.... How am i not dead???? Why am i still being projected then????"
The watch
"Oh jesus.... But then.... Who was I?"
I'm not giving you all the answers
"Why not?" [b]He gets up.[/b]
Because that's not my job
"Well.... can you at least point me in the right direction?"
Where do you want to go?
"Nowhere... I want to find someone who can tell me my past..."
The main reason we killed you was because you were constantly causing trouble and then you decided to break out of the stasis cells
"Well.... Thats not going to help me find out what i need to.... Do you know where my room was?"
Yes I do
"Can you point me to the room?"
I'd rather lead