What happens to etheric light?
Why did you guys decide to drop year 1 items? Is it because of vault space?
Looks like Bungie had a huge learning curve to over come! All in all I think they did a pretty good job and I love the game and looking forward to the future. Bungie needed to recalibrate so there can be one and I get that. It does hurt a lot to loose our equipment because we have worked so hard in year one for everything we have attained. I have met many great Guardians and I thank everyone I have crossed paths with! With respect to Bungie I think we need more transparency of the value we will receive for all of our items we have collected over the year and what will be obsolete. What should a Guardian be working on right now to be fully prepared for our next challenge TTK!
It will stay in the game but it won't bring up to year 1 weapons to year two