Ok, so I know about the major buff for the Necrochasm, i noticed on the Bungie stream reveal, NECROCHASM HAS ARC DAMAGE!!!
On the other hand, Hardlight does have a buffed stability, but DOESN'T HAVE ARC DAMAGE!!!! WHY??
Does anyone else question this too?? Please Bungie, give Hardlight Arc damage, it literally shoots balls of light!!
All exotics should have elemental dmg
Nechrochasm has always been arc
Also if you inspect a warlock it looks as though they are holding an arc ball. Yet the warlock arc subclass doesnt come until ttk. Bungie is a bit off id say
I always thought it was weird that Hard Light is Kinetic, but now my more pressing issue is the fact that Truth is the only Void Exotic in the game. You don't really think about the weapon types much when you're playing, but when you aren't, you realize how one-sided they are.
Hard light is also not affected by damage drop off and bounce like crazy now. It may not even need a damage modifier
Considering the fact that the new year 2 exotic primary have elements now...