Will year one exotics still be attainable after taken king? For example Monte Carlo? And legendaries such as Fate bringer?
You can still get the fate bringer from VoG, but it won't be that good. Also, some exotics have a year two version, but some are being left behind. I think that's a bit stupid to leave exotics behind.
Are you still able to get the old exotics anymore at all? Even if it's not that good?
Edited by SHalo28: 8/23/2015 9:19:28 AMif you had them before you can buy as many new ones as you want in tower and if there's a year 2 verson of it you can get that strait away two and as for geting one you not got yet they not said but it looks like you can. like when the replaced venders stuff with last two dlc the old stuff still drops as loot all over the place
I don't know yet. They should've explained that, but they didn't :p