honestly. i wish they would just add a good crafting system. where i can make the weapons i want. choosing between fire rate and impact. magazine size and stability. the rng grind is flat out a terrible. Out dated. Frustrating system. even with reforging its still rng. and still a grind. constantly finding myself stuck wearing armour i didnt want because its got the highest light value. or settling for decent perks instead of the ones i really want.
seriously. what kind of futuristic gunsmith cant make the weapon i want. thats like the worst customer service ever.
its like "hi id like a coke please."
*gives pepsi.
"sorry i asked for a coke"
*gives rootbeer
*k wtf i said coke"
*gives water
except in real life you dont pay for every single -blam!- up the restaurant makes.
This made me lol
You are correct. The crafting system is deliberately like that to maximize the game time you invest grinding against RNGesus. This is so the "average time spent" reports to stakeholders are artificially inflated. Its elementary.
Wow, i never saw it this way. Good point.