The whole discussion here is that only a [u]few[/u] Year 1 exotics will be making the jump to support TTK-level activities.
But you can still use whatever you want, its just older and a little weaker. That's fine I'm all for having a reason to chase the new stuff. The old isn't gone
[quote]But you can still use whatever you want, its just older and a little weaker. That's fine I'm all for having a reason to chase the new stuff. The old isn't gone[/quote] The discussion appears to be over your head with that last comment. They're not worried about it being ripped from their Vault. They're worried about its efficiency.
"Removing them" is said many times. All I said was they are not removing them.
[quote]"Removing them" is said many times. All I said was they are not removing them.[/quote] We're reading some different posts then.