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8/21/2015 9:04:41 PM

Blacksmith shader

Hey Bungie How's it going ? Well this is pretty obvious message . I would like a black smith shader . I didn't want to pre order call of duty because it's not my game . Also I was not able to go to gamescon because I live in Florida . Anyway which leaves to search the web on the shader . People selling the shader for a ridiculous amount of money on eBay or anywhere else . Trades on of the Nepal shader have been asked ( I don't have that either ) . So Bungie would you kindly give me a code for the shader . Spent over a thousand hours on this great game and I just want the shader or tell is there another means to get one besides traveling on the other side of country and going to an invent that is sold out because I even hear word of it . Also pre order something I didn't want . Come on Bungie do me a solid . I know you guys had a contest and before you know it it was done . So come on Bungie what the hell why not hook me up . A guardian that wants the shader thanks destiny rocks and I would like that shader ...

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