Let's all be honest for second here the ppl who voted "no" probably never stepped foot outside a day in their life and are probably horrible dancers
I'm a great dancer. When I go down to the 50s and 60s swing dance club I tend to boogie on down. Of course, sometimes I'll have a soda pop while I'm at it to twist things up though. *whoa nelly*
Sir how much weed did you smoke today?
I weeded my garden this mornin. The neighbors took some of my tomatoes this mornin. Dang Ole Hank! *shakes fist*
Omg this reply is gold
Gold. Yup, them golden tomatoes right thar. Dang delicious.
Please can you replace Deej
Well, I gotta learn dem internets first. I think the senior center has one on Tuesdays at 4...that's a wee bit late though...
Are you ps3 or ps4?
Yesssssss I hope I run into you in a control match my life will be complete then
Lol, I most game on Clash man. :-/ We might run into each other sometime. B-)
Sir are you high? Haha
Those soda pops are filled with sugar...can give you quite the head rush. ;-)
This reply ^^^^^^^^ yes thank you
Let's all be honest, that's not even dancing.
That's your opinion and I respect it. Think about this somethings that we dislike is bringing in money to those who made said thing
2 disgusting moves spawned from disgusting music and a disgusting music genre. I am exposed to it everyday and I must cleanse myself of the filth everyday. I am not surprised to see it surface in this scum-bucket of forums. Please, if you are biologically a boy, remove your testicles and a sizable portion of your penis with a dull butter knife and send it back to God by burning it in a fire fed by every modern-day pop and hip-hop album in your collection. Or, walk away from your hersey and live, only being marked as a fu[b]c[/b]kboi for eternity. Your choice.
Go back to your nursing home you old fart, let people enjoy what they like.
I couldnt have said it better. I hate this nae nae / every shit which is trending on social media more than anything else. You are a true man.
Then get off social media that stuff is poison anyways
Umm... I just wanted to see what people think
My sides. Help.
You have some deep personal issues you need to work out
Let's be honest for a second here the people that voted "yes" are just scum of the earth attempting to be "Black" and sh[i]i[/i]t. Much like you.