originally posted in:Dads of Destiny GMT
There are many people who need a skolas and need to complete their snowflake so post on here if you want one and I'll arrange one for you
Can you please state your class day and time you would like to do it... And give yourself a little rate out of 5 so I know where to stick you
1. Never tried it bur would like to
2. Tried it but never got to skolas
3. Got to skolas but never completed and know some aspects of how to do it
4.completed it one or more times but are not confident they know everything
5.they know everything and would like to help me take people through it or want there own group to take people through it (I'll do one everyday if it comes to it :-)
Edited by FishermansEnemy: 9/10/2015 5:22:47 PMWarlock, any day after 20:00, tried a few times but never got to Skolas.(2)
Edited by Vicar-SJW: 9/8/2015 12:09:35 PMRan with CarstonLP last night, first attempt on lvl 35, made round 4, have lvl 34 hunter, max Gally. Should be available most evenings from 9 ish.
Hello! I really hope I can get the big guy! He's the last one on my star. Have h/t/w on 34. On your scale, I'm a 3. I can play evenings, from Sunday onward.
Hi, I'm a two on the scale and a level 33 hunter. I can play Tuesday night from 19.30 and again from Saturday night and onwards. Thanks :)
Hey had a go last night@ 35. Feel better prepared but could do with the help.
Hi there, hoping to stick it to the chump. Level 34 Warlock. 2 on your scale (though to be fair that was more of an exploratory run than a serious attempt and I've been doing homework). Around tonight from 8:30ish, but with a hard cut off around 11, so Saturday would be better - available 8pm to late! Could potentially do Sunday or Monday evening, but depends.
Hey evenings would be best for me on your list I'd be 3 and I have a 34 Hunter, but if I have the option of a 33 titan with bubbles, no helm unfortunately
I would like to give it a go as well. Titan 34 and Hunter 34. Also 1 on the list. Later on Friday and/or Saterday
Edited by oldgeezervern: 9/3/2015 3:51:31 PMHi Webbo, I'm as ready as I'll ever be, would like to try it. Only one character, lvl 34 Hunter, 1 on your list, a few varied 365s. Later the better on Saturday if you can? Thanks in advance.
I'm a 2 in your list and would like another try at it. Usually play hunter main but have one of each character type at 34, plus a nice little collection of 365 weapons to bring along. Available from around 8ish tonight and probably the same tomorrow, then from later on Friday to Sunday more like 10.30 onwards.
I'm on middle shift at work any way.jyst offering my services if needed lol.
I'll av a go on the Monday slot if u need another.ill try hunter this time..
I'm going to be available every night this week until reset to get Skolas down. After 20:00. I've not attempted lvl 35 yet.
I would like a crack but I am a 1. Have a Lvl34 Hunter
Edited by darlo0161: 8/30/2015 11:15:57 PMMe and Trooper got as far as Skolas. Thanks to Eric and Molin for being our guides. It's 12.15 and we have to walk away. I will try again soon.
Webbo are you online mate ? We're supposed to be killing Skolas.
Edited by Hightower257: 8/30/2015 11:29:11 AMI'm on holiday till 7th which apparently give me 2 nights to try and drop Skolas. Been so busy with work. If something can be arranged for the evening of 7th or probably 8th would be better then great. It would need to be about 9-9.30 as I can't get on usual any earlier. I know it's cutting it fine, but got to at least give it ago.
Willing to lend a hand if i'm on and not doing anything, rank 4, it's the least for all the help you've given me, cheers webbo :)
Edited by DonJoolsee: 8/29/2015 10:18:35 PMI am ready for the challenge W/T/H34 Rating 2. Done lots of 32/34 before. Could do Monday 9pm
Ready when you are webbo !!
Hey bud, I'm up for Monday 2015hrs w32 rating 1
Hi Webbo. If you've got time on Thursday, Friday or Monday (all from 9pm) then I'd appreciate your help in getting me through. Afraid I'm only a 1 on the Webbo scale. I can see how much time you've already committed to this so understand if you cant fit yet another 35 in. Cheers, Marmot.
Wednesday if there's a space still.never tried it but wana.loads of 32 and 34.thanks...
Hi. I am in for Monday 9:00. Lvl 32 titan. Rating 1.
Edited by Cre8orB: 8/28/2015 5:18:40 PMCould do this tonight around 9 30-10 if anyone needs a third. Psn name as above. Drop a friend request and mention dod I'm a level 34 hunter but have never tried it. I'm also looking for a hard VOG, so if I find one I might be busy.
Level 4 12.00 Saturday please.