Someplace I can get drunk and stare at something beautiful.
*drives you to the bar*
* gets out realizes that's where I already was, goes back in anyway.
* after several more hours of drinking , realizes that beauty is all around us, and that damn taxi driver must be the wisest person I've ever met. Followed by lots of puking. Damm you tequila. *
*watches you*
*gets the feeling someone's watching him puke*
* turns around, sees the wisest taxi driver ever. stumbles up hands the taxi driver a $493 tip.... Oh... Wait...not done puking. *
*holds bucket out for you*
* gratefully takes bucket, thanks you for this life changing experience, and wanders off all " mysterious like" into the nite..... With the bucket of course. *
*watches you leave* ;~;
* realizes I have no idea where I am or where I'm going* Can I get a ride home? :/
^-^ Sure... *drives you home*
Thanks, best taxi ever. :)
No bby
Yes bby
No no
Ok ok
Uk I meant to put np** right?
Np= no problem. bby = best buy. Lol. :)
Top kek