Would like some help in the Crota End Raid Hard, would also like to run it several times, trying to get the Crux of Crota.
Also would like to run the Vault of Glass Hard.
Wanting to finish the Triumphs for year one.
Red mustang we are looking for 4 people to do vault of glass on Xbox one let me know I'll invite you
[quote]Would like some help in the Crota End Raid Hard, would also like to run it several times, trying to get the Crux of Crota. Also would like to run the Vault of Glass Hard. Wanting to finish the Triumphs for year one. PS4 R3DMUSTANG2015[/quote]
Bump Make sure you edit your post to let people know what console you are playing on.
If we could trade I have two crux of crotas so I'd give you one
Ps3 or ps4?