Okay, maybe I don't understand the cards then. What is the white bar under the card?
Well you have a white bar under a card that turns yellow when it is complete. I see a white bar under your heavy weapons because not all your heavy weapon kills are complete. When I open your heavy weapons tab, I see a white bar under the cars for machine guns (the bar shows the progress) and a yellow bar under rockets (saying its complete). When you complete both types of heavy weapon kills (rockers [u]and[/u] machine guns) the bar under your heavy weapons tab will fill up and turn yellow.
Okay, but the bar under the rocket launcher is not yellow for me. It's white and only has about 25% progress. I understand I'm not completely done with heavy weapons or with machine guns.
That's strange. When I inspect your grimoire it shows it complete to me. Are you on the companion app?
Yes I am on the app. See that's my issue. There are a lot of my cards that show that way. No only on the app, but also online. Any time I look at my own process. So I have a hard time understanding which cards are actually completed and which are not.
Edited by Kell of Kellogs: 8/22/2015 10:02:04 PMThat's weird. I would try going into your app settings > deleting cache and deleting content database This usually fixes simple problems on the app. Aside from this.. I think the rest would have to be up to Siffow.