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Hey folks, with TKK coming out soon-ish i'm really trying to prepare for it and am coming up with next to nothing when it comes to finding people to play with.
I haven't really tried forming or joining any clans as i only play for a couple hours a few nights a week. Too many weeks have gone by where i haven't done the raids because i don't have a group. I've tried LFG and a couple other sites but it gets really obnoxious.
I don't mind playing with people younger than myself (i'm 25), but let's just say it doesn't sit right when my headset is constantly screeching about things unrelated to the game, or can't get a word in through the chaos about oracle locations etc...
So to the point, i'd like to find a clan to join or at least a group of people down to raid, poe, nightfall etc... every week. I'm just posting this to start off and i'll message around and find the other threads of this nature to get something going. I'm a pretty solid PvE player, need work as a sword bearer but i'm down to practice, all other relics i'm down with.
My main is a Hunter - 34
secondary is a Titan - 32
side project is a Warlock - 26
I've got a fair amount of weapons, still trying for the last few exotics that the drop gods have yet to grace me with.
XBL GT is Jopenhagenlong
let's chill and blow shit up.
What times are you active, trying to put together a regular 6 person group, got 3 members at the moment but looking for more!