Now that we're about a month away from TTK, I've pretty much decided to stop grinding for guns and armor, since they'll become useless soon anyway. That being said, there are a few guns that I never got to experience having, and sadly never will. Here's a short list:
- Fatebringer
- Felwinter's Lie
- Radegast's Fury
- LDR 5001
- Shadow Price
What's something you didn't get to experience in year 1 of destiny? It could be a weapon, piece of armor, or event that you missed. You can also list things that you are still trying to get, such as shaders or ships (I still need 2 DO shaders and the ship, myself).
Going 9-0 in trials. I just hope we'll still be able to get the messenger adept when ttk launches, or at least a better gun