People argue to me when I talk about how I'm going to help the movement in support of all year one exotics/endgame weapons to make it to The Taken king as upgradable weapons. People can argue and tell me that the movement in dark below didn't take off and that it's pointless. I think that there are reasons for our words getting across. Maybe the movement wasn't big enough. Maybe the forum community wasn't what it is . Or maybe because people didn't word there post right and bungie didn't take it into consideration. Regardless I won't stop until I and we all get what we deserve. Our progress and our hard earned rewards in year two!!! I reckon if we got more people to not only comment in feedback but also in other categories to allow the most optimal coverage I honestly we could overwhelm bungie and make sure we got our word across when it comes to any subject. For now I focus on this one though. #saveourexotics #jointhemovement #bungie
#saveourexotics also please don't get mad at year to players for not understanding your struggle everyone. Be nice , be courteous ,and be informative. We are a community that needs to work together I order to make things happen we don't need to break each other down. If we work together to voice our opinions We Will get things done together!!!