I absolutely love bo1 and 2 multiplayer, but I hate AW's new features. Would I like Bo3?
Most likely yes. Combat actually takes place on the ground :)
I loved blops2 and hated AW. I LOVE this.
I did not like AW very much but I love the Black Ops 3 beta.
I played it and I actually enjoyed it!
It's awesome, a slower pace than AW :)
Just like bo1 and 2 with a lower/slower hunter double jump. Wall running is soley for navigating the map a little faster to certain spots, not really used as offensive tactics.
Bo3 is like bo2 mixed with titanfall vertical gameplay mechanics
Bo3 isn't really like bo2 or bo1 at all. It is WAY MORE SIMILAR to advanced warfare.
No its not. Quit spreading misinformation. Literally the only thing that is even close to AW is the thrust, which is only good for navigating the map, not winning gun fights
Nah, don't use the word thrust. It's more of a controlled jet-jump.
Only similarity is the weak boost which gets you killed easily.
I love shooting people boosting or mid air.
I hated AW too, you should like ops 3 as it's not as fast paced.
It's not like advanced warfare so you should like it I hated aw but loved this
I adored bo2 multiplayer and killed myself when i played AW for the first time I got on the bata for bo3 and loved it
Ok good to know.