It is a lot of work for them, especially if they did it right for once. On top of that, you have to wonder WHY there is almost nobody ever around, because there is no reason to be somewhere specific, the only time i ever see more than one other person is when people are grouping in areas for Wolves.
So if Wolves and Urzok can pull groups together, what would a World Boss do? the same thing, pull groups together. Especially with the ability to broadcast that a World Boss has been awoken across the ENTIRE instance of Cosmodrome, or Mars or Venus or the Moon. Alerting everyone there about the rise of the boss.
Now if they added Instancing so you can go to an instance of earth patrol where there are more players this would knock it out of the park, Or just making it so it fills an instance of a patrol before starting a new one. Bungie expected this game to be social and added NOTHING to help the social aspects.
I wonder if they are about to bring something similar like this with the "Court of Oryx" on the Dreadnaught. As far as I understood the rumors it's some kind of public event which needs more than one player to summon the boss and it takes place during normal patrol. But I guess we will know more next week wednesday when they're going to reveal it in the twitch stream.
True. I don't know how many separate versions of each area or servers there are yet I'm sure they could implement some means to gather together through the alert you mentioned being sent out, though this might be moot if they designed it so that the boss was in a sorta separate world boss area rather than random spawning as one commenter mentioned as players would of course gather there though that screams strike clone. I can clearly see the possibilities but I dunno. I'm currently on vacation and I'm dreading leaving...the DSL lol. Joking referencing the "gaming essential(s)" as everyone has limitations including Bungie as they previously stated software & hardware prevented adding more vault space so I can't imagine what they'd say regarding modifying the entire world to implement world bosses and different patrol modes though at the same time the patrol would only be a slight medication so not much data space. Maybe in Destiny 2 we'll see some of the interesting ideas gamers have come up with assuming there is a Destiny 2 as with all the dissatisfaction you never know how things will turn out.
There will be a destiny 2, i know there are alot of people that wont buy it though. Me included. Its a good game, it could be so much better.