The beacon is coming from a mass no bigger than a human.
That's intriguing...I wonder what it could be
[spoiler]go look[/spoiler] The beacon keeps relaying
*walks to an airlock and looks outside*
A white suit is floating through space [spoiler]our day spacesuit[/spoiler]
Well now that's odd *enters the airlock and seals it*
[spoiler]did you bring the suit in?[/spoiler] The lone inhabitant of the suit is a man with dark black eyes and hair.
*jettisons out of the airlock and pulls the inhabitant back to the airlock* Now what's your story?
The figure wakes up slowly and flips open his visor. "Where am i?"
You're on the Exalin carrier...sadly I'm going to have to put you in a stasis cell until you're authorized to roam the ship
"Stasis cell? Roam what ship?"
Follow me please *unseals the airlock and pick up my book*
He stands up and follows cautiously.
*leads him to the stasis cells* So why exactly were you floating through space?
"I have no clue" He looks around scared "I was sent into space on December 1st 2020"
Then you've been asleep for awhile *unlocks a stasis cell* There's nothing to be scared of as long as you don't try anything stupid now please step into the cell
He steps inside. "I was supposed to be the first man on mars" He takes of his helmet.
That's interesting *closes the cell* If you need anything let me know *sits down in the corner and starts reading from my book*
"Whos he" He points at the proffesor
He decided to cause some trouble so we locked him inside the cell so far it seems like I'm the only one that might let him out
"Huh" He sits down and waits
I'll probably wait another day before letting him out but you might be out sooner than him if you're granted permission to roam the ship
"I hope that happens." He smiles.
*turns a page in my book* Yeah you seem more responsible than the "professor"