Lol. You guys love proving my point. Arguments with little to no understanding or context. Please show me where the bible says to murder anyone that doesn't worship the same God.
Deuteronomy 13:6-10 [quote][6] If your very own brother, or your son or daughter, or the wife you love, or your closest friend secretly entices you, saying, “Let us go and worship other gods” (gods that neither you nor your ancestors have known, [7] gods of the peoples around you, whether near or far, from one end of the land to the other), [8] do not yield to them or listen to them. Show them no pity. Do not spare them or shield them. [9] You must certainly put them to death. Your hand must be the first in putting them to death, and then the hands of all the people. [10] Stone them to death, because they tried to turn you away from the Lord your God, who brought you out of Egypt, out of the land of slavery.[/quote] Your very own family. The way I see it, if you don't follow the religion, word for word, then you can't call yourself a follower of that religion. Either way, all abrahamic religions are outdated compared to our modern world.
Um... That's not killing someone for worshipping a different God. That's killing someone for trying to manipulate you into worshipping other gods. And if you believed in God and eternity, you'd see the significance of it.
Oh that's fine then.
It is. Human judges sentence people to death all the time. Yet, the creator, sustainer, and judge of all things does it and everyone freaks out. You don't like it because you will be held ultimately accountable and it proposes the notion that you aren't your own god.
Lmao, but death penalties are reserved for the mass murder or capital murders
In a non theocratic society.
And you seem to believe that other faiths deserve death
I believe everyone who sins deserves death, including myself. That's why I'm grateful that I have a loving God who took on our sins and our punishment and freely offers is his righteousness. Both justice and mercy are satisfied.
Lmao death would be preferable to you fanatics. Remove the genes from the pool
Don't worry it'll come to that. When the Lamb broke the fifth seal, I saw underneath the altar the souls of those who had been slain because of the word of God, and because of the testimony which they had maintained;
You know how many apocalypses I have lived through kek?
I disagree with the death penalty actually, so there is no double standard for me. And the other thing you said is just classic ad hominem.
Still true.
You have to believe that I must be a bad person in order to rationalise your world view, but the truth is you don't know how I live my life and any belief you hold about my morality is just guesswork.
All have sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.
I think you know that's meaningless to me. You might as well say Santa's decided no one gets any presents this year because we've all been bad. Your presumption that I deny god because I'm afraid of the punishment doesn't even make logical sense. If what you claim is true actually [b]is[/b] true, I'd get punished whether I believe or not. I know this, so I wouldn't deny it to avoid punishment since I know that wouldn't work according to your belief system. I 'deny God' simply because I don't believe there is one. It's that simple. No ulterior motive, I just find the evidence woefully lacking.
Nobody's perfect. If you have sinned.. Ever.. Then, you must ask for forgiveness. Regardless if it was littering or murder, you must repent and ask for forgiveness, and you will be on the road toward salvation.
Wait, littering isn't a sin is it?
Edited by BetaLyon1102: 8/24/2015 12:54:18 PMForgive me if I don't believe in a being that wants to murder everyone who disagrees with it.
It's not murder. It's justice.
And what if they'd never been exposed to the Bible or the Christian God? What if they God they worship is the only one they've ever been able to know about, and they try to do exactly what you're doing to convince people of the existence of their God? Is it justice to kill someone for doing the exact same thing you're doing if they've never been introduced to your supposedly true God?
However, it is still murder. It doesn't matter whichever way you twist it, all abrahamic religions are third world religions. Even still, most third world countries/LEDCs are past these sorts of things.