5 hopscotch pilgrim 2 shitty hand cannons I don't remember the name 1 useless autorifle 1 105 magazine machine gun that's useless okay I am done [spoiler]for now [/spoiler]
Edited by iDare2Defy: 8/24/2015 2:19:45 PMI got lucky. Put in some strike work Saturday morning. Got about 4 legendary engrams. Rewarded the Dry Rot, but I was really hoping for the Hopscotch Pilgrim. Was in the middle of the nexus when one guy departed. Me and this other guy get to the end and he just looks at me, then departs. I'm like...welp, we've come this far. I had to solo the stupid Nexus which was a pain in the ass because I hate that guy but got it done. Got shit rewards. Did a few more stikes then the Nexus came back around. I said I was done after that. Luckily the two guys I was with stayed. We beat the Nexus and I died at the end because the adds didn't despawn so i just sat there looking at my orb when the rewards popped up at the bottom left corner. I "found" two legendary engrams and...wait for it...the Hopscoth Pilgrim! One of the guys came over and sat on my ghost lol it was so great. Screw strikes for the rest of forever. Got what I needed :)