You are going to be sol come the taken king. The final round perk will be effectively useless for instant kill body shots. Now if i were any of you I would go pick up a real sniper and practice getting headshots.
Here is some friendly advice for you:
-[b]Efrideet's Spear sucks[/b]. 3 rounds, terrible aa. In about a month the final round won't work how you want it to so put this sniper down.
-If you don't have any old good snipers I recommend Her Benevolence. It is easy to get and can be rerolled. If not that the Shadow of Veils PoE weapon has the highest aa in the game.
-aa means aim assist, this slows reticle movement when scoped in on an enemy.
- Unflinching is not worth it(not noticeable imo) , and Hidden Hand is a perk made to help expand the hitbox on an enemy. I don't use the perk on regular snipers but some may find it helpful. Additional ammo perks are what you want (i.e. double down, performance bonus and mulligan).
- Snipers list of stats. I would start with decent mag size(4+) and high impact with good aa.
[ EDIT: Okay a lot of people are hating on my comments about Efrideet's Spear and aim assist. If you like having to fully aim on someones head with pin point precision then by all means use the Efrideet's Spear for it has the lowest aim assist in the game for legendaries (on that note using field scout on a Efrideet's Spear is a wasted perk when for example you could have snapshot, armor piercing or perfect balance). But if you are someone who wants to use the aim assist mechanic to its potential and get more headshots, like me, then use the best sniper you can get like the ones mentioned above. [b]I am speaking to the people who intentionally shoot out the intial rounds in their sniper rifle to get the cheese shot![/b] Some of the best snipers in the game use high aim assist snipers and they are excellent. Check the community player focus and his youtube channel. He is excellent. ]
So using high aim assist snipers makes you better? Don't make me laugh.