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originally posted in: What is your showboat item?
8/24/2015 9:08:13 PM
Achievement get: Try to be condescending (but kinda fail at it. Sorry :/ ) Achievement get: Jump to conclusions (I actually had all three almost fully upgraded at one point. I just deleted them because I got bored) Achievement get: Feigning Ignorance (Acting like you don't even know that I commented on your post at all by trying to draw attention away from your mistake and on to my lack of maxed characters) Achievement get: Lazy (Still haven't corrected "Before". Honestly, its not that hard to type out six letters) Achievement get: You're a Moron (Honestly, what does my having one maxed character have to do with your poor spelling/grammar?) Achievement get: You're Confused. (Grammar [url=]-godwinslaw!-[/url], not Grammar Police)

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