[b]Should we be allowed to ascend one legendary or exotic item of our choice for year 2? Possibly even one per character?[/b]
I'm all for the clean slate that is coming with TTK. In order to get the community excited for new rewards, there has to be an expansion progression system like the ones used in games like WoW. This means that all of our legendaries and many of our exotics will be left behind whenever a true expansion is released. Many players, like myself, have a rare or favorite item that they want to keep and use forever. I think a reasonable compromise can be found between Bungie's plan and people who want gear to be upgradeable.
Edit: There's possibly a very easy way for Bungie to implement a one ascension system. The item that levels one character to 25 will be useless for most year one players. Why not give it the effect of ascending one piece of gear or granting level 25? Just one possible solution.
Imo you should be able to pick 1 [b]legendary[/b] to ascend then it wouldn't be an obvious choice