I'm not too "xur" if this is real or not
EDIT: oh my god what have I done?!?!?!
God damn it barb
People like grapes
This is why we can't have nice things.
Why, we xurned them fair and square
Edited by RAG is NAROK: 8/26/2015 1:04:25 AMI was referring to the puns. :P Personally I am indifferent whither you bought your exotics from xur or if you got a lucky drop.
Edited by HecklingJekyll: 8/26/2015 1:11:19 AMSo was I. I meant that the puns probably were xurned too ;)
lol. Fair enough.
This post has had too much expo"Xûr"
You have opened the flood gates! Now we will never know sanity again.
We have awoken the jive!
In an unrelated matter, I'm looking for xurrogate mother to bear my child.
the community is exurhibiting unusual behavior.
Dam I'm in Xur-gery for the next few hours but I'm Xur some one will post pictXurs latter
Haha this wins!!
You've done goofed! That's what you've done!
Xurs only one thing left to do! Make Xur you consume Nine lbs of pudding before your Agent fires you over the Speakers and kick you out the Tower
How dare you!!
Did you know that xur's first name is Lou?
*vomits blood*
This is xurreal.
Dear God, you've created a monster haha