After the Twitch reveal, Bungie answered more questions. ONe of them was asking if Jellyhorn was being brought forward for upgrades, and they said it was being kept at Year 1 levels of power, and people legit quit the game and stopped playing.
I've seen people cry over getting it, doesn't that say something? You can run lvl 28 PoE five times, and loot the big chest, maybe gettign three exotics, and then tell your friends who also play. They might go "ooooh" over the other two, but the moment you say that Gjally was dropped, they go nuts. People are denying other players a team for a raid simply because they don't have the Jellyhorn, and that's the kind of divide I want to see left in Year 1.
We are all united against slaying Oryx, we need all the help we can get, so don't exclude Guardians who don't have a specific weapon
But not everyone who wants all exotics to carry over cares only about Gally. I couldn't care less. I have one but it's not my favorite.