[b]Phantym accelerates his Dradon, putting it at max speed
He catches up to two Black Coat cars, pulling in between them
He sets the machine guns, and fire at the rear wheels of both cars
He takes 8 KAP[/b]
((There's way more than 2)) Your turrets manage to shoot down two Coat cars. There are about a dozen left.
[spoiler]I know, I was just saying I pulled between those particular two[/spoiler] [b]He looks towards his left, and focuses on the tires of three of the cars, heating them, until the rubber starts to melt[/b]
As the drivers and passengers notice the car slowing down because of the melted wheels, they all whip out Type-14s and start shooting a barrage of bullets at you.
[b]The Dradon starts to swerve according to the bullet ballistics, while I attempt to deflect any that I can[/b]
((Deflect with what?))
[spoiler]A Psionic wall[/spoiler]