would it have any chance of changing your opinion? first question I asked: Am I really open minded?
I spend the majority of my study time researching arguments against Christianity. I still run into questions now and again. But, I'm genuinely interested in what unanswered questions you have. And I'd like to look into them. Thank you.
I cannot name them all, but a few major ones were: what other proof is their aside from something that is supposedly written by the thing it describes? if we are to base our foundation of our morals off of this book, then what did this book base it's morals off of? isn't it impossible for something to be perfectly good, as all things are both completely good and completely bad? why are there still so many mistakes with humanity, even among the those that practice the religion this book speaks of? if we are to rest on the last day, then why are we forced to do something that exact day? why does it seem that everything that was looked down upon by romans is included in this book as unimaginably bad, when this book was supposed to be a revolution of morals for the roman people? if god is almighty, then why does he not simply remove of the devil? follow up question: if there are any barriers preventing him from doing so, why not take down those? if he cannot take down said barriers, is he truly almighty? is it true to proper morals to worship something that caused so much hate and death (the holocaust)?
Thank you. I'll look into these.