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Edited by Turferpop: 8/25/2015 8:10:43 PM

Wake Up And Smell The Easy Mode

"M-m-muh weapons" He cried as his favorite weapons were nerfed. You guys do realize why Bungie is making everything (apart from a few exotics) UN-upgradable? They're essentially wiping the guns clean and it's OUR fault. Still using that old sniper from TDB that has final round? Not anymore. Still cheesing bosses and being an elitist about Gjallarhorn? Nope. Playing Crucible easy mode and getting the highest K/D in Crucible because Thorn? You wish. Blink Shotgunning your way to victory? R.I.P. Scrub. Destroying Sepiks, Walkers, Archon Priest, Atheon, etc with Black Hammer and Ice Breaker? Get outta here. [b]Am I guilty of these things? Of course I am.[/b] Is it my fault? Kinda. I use these tactics and weapons, I'm at fault for being a scrub. I blame others for elitism, but us as a community are to blame for that as well. I mostly blame Bungie for making such OP weapons and then taking their time to nerf them. Taking a lot of time too. Thorn has been dominating for quite some time now. On top of that, you can still glitch Thorn (Never done that before, but was blamed for doing so) Am I salty? A little. Playing against a team of all Thorn is kinda frustrating. Some Hopscotch here and there, but not too bad. I'm so hyped for weapons patch 2.0 and for our weapons to be mostly useless in TTK. Hopefully Bungie won't screw up this time and make a certain gun the next Gjallarhorn. [u]-Opinions are opinions, if you think I'm bad at Destiny and I should kill myself or something similar to that, okay. That's your opinion-[/u] [b]EDIT:[/b] Hey guys, criticism is great and all, but if you feel that I'm wrong in any way, please point out why, don't just insult me. I promise if you pose an argument to mine in a reasonable and sensible manner, I will reply back and maybe even agree with your points and admit defeat. Calling me names doesn't get you anywhere and I'll end up ignoring you.

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  • I totally agree. I'm trying to do the thorn bounty and I've just rage quit because of all the shotguns and op weapons, sure it doesn't help that I'm using Atheons "takes 100 bullets to kill someone" epilogue at this rate it'll take me until Ttk to get 500 void kill death spread lol

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    • They should have just never allowed us to reroll weapons. Ascend yes, but reroll, no. That way there would only be a handful of people running around with God rolls on legendaries, instead of everyone. Exotics need looked at, yes. Though I don't feel they're going the right way about it. And with better, more imaginiative boss design, we wouldn't be quite so occupied with raw dps, and would use a better variety of weapons. It just feels they're going about this the wrong way.

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      • It's not our fault. If Bungie can't control the balance of their own game it's on them.

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        • I still wonder will the final round patch also apply to shotguns?

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        • 1) Final Round may not be that good, but headshots will still be more powerful. It would have been smarter just to take it out entirely. The perk was created as a bonus, not as a magic cheat code. Sadly, the Destiny community abuses good perks and good perks get ruined for those of us who aren't abusing them. 2) Gjallarhorn will still cheese bosses in Year 1 activities, and there will likely be a Taken King equivalent or we will find other ways. Hell, if they bring the Fourth Horseman forward (they probably will, it's a PS exclusive until The Taken King drops), that gun already provides more DPS than Gjallarhorn. It's riskier to use, but it has a high reward. 3) Thorn will still be an effective tool in Crucible. It may not be overpowered anymore, but two or three people shooting at you with Thorn still = death. A whole party/team of Thorn users will still be a deadly force. Thorn's burn was mostly just overpowered for 3v3 game modes because it was elimination. It will still be a 3 shot kill like it is now - you just won't be able to pop off two headshots and walk away like "bye, bitch" - which is similar to most hand cannons (Even The Last Word is becoming a 3 shot kill - RIP 2 shot :( ) People act like Thorn was overpowered specifically. However, if you look at hand cannons in general, they're almost all overpowered. Hawkmoon, The Last Word and Thorn just have a couple of special perks that make them even more useful. The truth is that you can do just as well with legendary hand cannons in the normal Crucible playlist. I use my Jewel, Word of Crota and Red Hand a lot as well when I'm not playing Trials. The only environment where Thorn is truly overpowered is Trials, because elimination modes become unbalanced when one player on your team dies, whereas respawn modes remain relatively balanced (or they would if the matchmaking didn't put MLG players against newbies). 4) Blink is getting a nerf, that doesn't mean Blink shotgunning won't be viable. It's getting nerfed, not removed. They will likely make it so you can't Blink and then shoot right away. Your weapon will still need to ready up. That doesn't make blink shotgunning useless, it just makes it less broken. 5) Blackhammer's nerf is unwarranted, but whatever. Nobody's going to be using any of those legendary weapons much anyway. There will be new favourites. As far as Ice Breaker goes (still unwarranted), 8 seconds just means they'll wait 3 more seconds per round and it'll take a little longer to complete the strike. You'll find that the extra 18 seconds to get a full magazine won't truly bother anybody who was using Ice Breaker before. The only people who will be upset are the people who use Ice Breaker in the Crucible, and I think that Ice Breaker's magazine should remain as full as it was when you died. In Crucible, 48 seconds could mean losing the match. All they did was make Ice Breaker less useful in the Crucible, not in PvE, where it will still be a powerful tool. TL;DR Final Round will not be broken anymore. It will just be useless for snipers who abused it before. Gjallarhorn will simply be replaced by something else. Not a big deal. Destiny's bosses aren't hard. They're just spongy. Thorn will still be deadly in large numbers and you won't really notice that much of a difference in the Crucible if multiple people are shooting you with Thorn. You better believe that blink shotgunning will still be around. It just won't be disgustingly unbalanced. It will require a little more skill. Ice Breaker will only become useless/less desirable for PvP, not PvE.

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        • Literally just summed up my entire thought process in crucible

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        • Time, it's time sink, just like POE was a time sink, just like the new legendary marks are time sink. Just like the new level system is a time sink. This game lives off time.

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        • Your post sums up my thinking quite well. I'm sick of the constant thorn and TLW with blink shotguns but I'm also a user of these simply because it just outperforms anything else and it's frustrating thinking "man if I had TLW equipped I would've destroyed this game"

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        • From what I've heard..For the past Year&100$ we've just been Destiny's test dummies LoL All of our Guns including Exotics will be useless and the hours we put in are all for nothing bc it's a"Fresh Start" and it's the game it should've been@release. I'm not too bitter one way or another, just sucks that FateBringer,VoC ect are gone. WHAT I DONT GET-is how Exotics can be thrown into the wind for a wave goodbye..? Every update so far we've been able to upgrade them so anyone know if all of our armor is coming along for the ride or will be sitting across from BlackHammer&co in vaults? I gota watch this twitch/YouTube clips everyone is talking about. P.S Doubling vault=GREAT! Hah but I wish I knew a few weeks ago before I deleted a good amount of TDB&Van guns/armor

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          8 Replies
          • I violated the [url=/en/View/bungie/conduct]Code of Conduct[/url] and have slain the Ninja that came for me.

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            • I believe that weapon ascension and perk pre-rolling were both implemented to keep players engaged until tTK. Clearly, new weapons were a weak spot, but most players (like me) didn't care too much about it because we got to dust off a lot of stuff we stopped using, and we also got to gamble for better rolls (which ultimately made weapon drops less fun). If tTK has enough fun stuff, personally I won't miss most of the old schtuff.

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            • Only thing is they ARE NOT getting left behibd in pvp unless they are actually nerfing the weapon or the perk itself.

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            • Before i start i just want to say, I have not played TTK so I cant say year 1 exotics are useless I am just guessing off of how gameinformer and bungie talk about it. I would have been perfectly fine if the year 1 weapons were still usable but not as good as year 2 weapons, and I am ok with what they did bringing a select few up. My only problem is that the weapons not coming up are almost useless now. I honestly think it was a great idea, but I personally believe that bungie did it the wrong way. Having green pieces of armor better than our exotics now as gameinformer said is insulting to the time we have spent on upgrading our exotics.

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            • Lets see now. Who provided the playing environment? Bungie Who provided the weapons? Bungie Who combined the environment and weapons to their best advantage? Guardians If there are any current play style issues who is at fault? Bungie As I have said before, I have real concerns over Bungies weapons and tactics testing. How some of these issues were allowed to occur seems to me to be very poor pre-release management. Sigh.

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              5 Replies
              • Edited by AVERNL: 8/25/2015 9:58:38 PM
                I absolutely LOVE this! So spot on.....people live in a fantasy world where this game can bend to the collective whim of the players. How dare Bungie make executive decisions about their IP. I will ONLY miss the Iron Banner weapons but I imagine they will get a rehash and still be awesome so whatever. Maybe they will retake their rightful place as the only weapons you can reforge! I am like....the elite scrub.

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              • I agree with OP. Destiny is gonna be a ten year game and if they didn't do anything about it, ten years from now everyone would still be running fate bringer, black hammer and ghorn to kill everything. I'm glad change is coming and it's not 90%thorns in pvp. Yes I do use it as well but when push comes to shove there aren't too many options, thorn and last word imo

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              • Yeah I completely understand the year one weapons being left behind...I just hope this won't happen anymore in the future. Bungie has this one chance to get their new weapons and perks right and balanced or else they're going to want to leave the year two weapons behind too later on. Idk if I'd play anymore if the same cycle goes on for 10 years, I just wanna be able to carry over my favorite weapons all the way to year 10.

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                4 Replies
                • I recently completed Hunter crucible kill, and Warlock kills, and I'm glad to say I'm not setting foot in crucible until TTK comes out. Oh and a quick tip if you need crucible kills, play rumble. Knocks out kills and rumble grimoire too, 2 birds with 1 stone. Brought my K/D up by quite a bit. Was 1.1, now 1.4. Solo play sucks so much in Crucible.

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                • They're cleansing us lol

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                • Edited by ???: 8/26/2015 12:30:34 AM
                  I think blink shotgun is a valid move-set, but whatever. Blink is a close quarters teleport that has extremely limited range, and can only be done twice. I know you can do it 3 times if you switch weapons, but that is hard to do when blink shotgunning. Maybe you shouldn't run into enemies all of the time.... I do agree that shotguns are a little op in their range atm, however.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Exploits were meant to be abused. You did it because you have a brain. To not do something beneficial in a video game because of "pride" is imo, stupid.

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                    • Well said. I look forward to trying to new stuff out.

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                    • the righteous douche baggary is strong with this one

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                      • The only weapon change I think that is the result of player usage is the ol Gally. That RL created segregation in ways Bungie didn't anticipate. Everything else, IMO, is just to make way for new content plus new and exciting ways to combat a new and exciting enemy class. I welcome the change, but I'm not deleting my Supremacy sniper rifle nor my Vision of Confluence, or my Atheon's Epilogue

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                      • I like your honesty. I too am guilty of almost everything you mentioned

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                      • [quote]Hopefully Bungie won't screw up this time and make a certain gun the next Gjallarhorn. [/quote] That is a problem that a lot of people have. They loved the Gjallarhorn and because it isn't coming with us yet, people expect a new Gjallarhorn. [b]Don't do that.[/b]

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