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Edited by Turferpop: 8/25/2015 8:10:43 PM

Wake Up And Smell The Easy Mode

"M-m-muh weapons" He cried as his favorite weapons were nerfed. You guys do realize why Bungie is making everything (apart from a few exotics) UN-upgradable? They're essentially wiping the guns clean and it's OUR fault. Still using that old sniper from TDB that has final round? Not anymore. Still cheesing bosses and being an elitist about Gjallarhorn? Nope. Playing Crucible easy mode and getting the highest K/D in Crucible because Thorn? You wish. Blink Shotgunning your way to victory? R.I.P. Scrub. Destroying Sepiks, Walkers, Archon Priest, Atheon, etc with Black Hammer and Ice Breaker? Get outta here. [b]Am I guilty of these things? Of course I am.[/b] Is it my fault? Kinda. I use these tactics and weapons, I'm at fault for being a scrub. I blame others for elitism, but us as a community are to blame for that as well. I mostly blame Bungie for making such OP weapons and then taking their time to nerf them. Taking a lot of time too. Thorn has been dominating for quite some time now. On top of that, you can still glitch Thorn (Never done that before, but was blamed for doing so) Am I salty? A little. Playing against a team of all Thorn is kinda frustrating. Some Hopscotch here and there, but not too bad. I'm so hyped for weapons patch 2.0 and for our weapons to be mostly useless in TTK. Hopefully Bungie won't screw up this time and make a certain gun the next Gjallarhorn. [u]-Opinions are opinions, if you think I'm bad at Destiny and I should kill myself or something similar to that, okay. That's your opinion-[/u] [b]EDIT:[/b] Hey guys, criticism is great and all, but if you feel that I'm wrong in any way, please point out why, don't just insult me. I promise if you pose an argument to mine in a reasonable and sensible manner, I will reply back and maybe even agree with your points and admit defeat. Calling me names doesn't get you anywhere and I'll end up ignoring you.

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  • Eh... I can do all that stuff without the specific weapons you mention. But then i also dont really care about the nerfs either.

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    1 Reply
    • I run a mida build. Do you understand how salty I'm going to be if my niche build and stray style is hampered because mida doesn't get a v2?

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      6 Replies
      • Final round snipers would still be relevant in pvp though..

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        4 Replies
        • I hope bosses are better designed in TTK. Went to xbox to play my destiny trial and did the sepiks prime boss battle. Boring As F*ck without a way to blow through it.

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          • You know that gun, Hard Light, that no one uses and wants to use? You know that gun, Necrochasm, that no one uses and wants to use? Yeah. These are more of the guns we are complaining about, and we have a good reason to.

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            • Y my TLW, it took 3 months to get it legit ;-;

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              3 Replies
              • I cannot wait to lay down my icebreaker. So many other guns out there to use, but seem to get stuck with it every time.

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                3 Replies
                • It's not really our fault, they've handled weapon balancing and other issue quite poorly this first year, and I honestly don't see the 2.0 patch doing anything but making the current op weapons weaker and creating new op weapons to take their place. I mean they admit that they don't have the time to really test things in house, yet they go and change a -blam!-ton of stuff not just for weapon types, but for individual weapons (way too many changes at once with little actual play testing), seems they learned nothing by breaking any sort of balance the game had when they ruined ARs, this patch introduces even more changes than that one did. I'd love to see real balance in this game's pvp, but I find it hard to be optimistic after what I've seen from previous attempts to "balance" things.

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                  2 Replies
                  • Idk about you, but I'd rather breeze through strikes as fast as possible so that I may complete more to farm dumb weapons like the dragons breath I have yet to get....

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                    3 Replies
                    • There will be another OP exotic, comparable to Gally, in TTK

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                      3 Replies
                      • I think the problem is people keep saying the HoW weapons were awful (I don't think they're that bad but to each their own) even though the same developers made the VoG weapons they love so much. The team is capable of making really cool weapons and I'm excited to use the new ones.

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                        2 Replies
                        • There are always going to be dominant weapons. It is the nature of the game. I'm just hoping they go for unique abilities in weapons. I have a max Gjally, but I only use it for certain things. It is not the end all be all weapon. Some weapons, like the Song of Ur Yut, I use simply because they are fun to use and have a special ability. I mean, have you seen a Lord Of Wolves? How kick ass is that!

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                          2 Replies
                          • Yes, yes, yes

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                          • Hopefully it'll be balanced this time around where weapons are good in every situation but some excel in one over another

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                            2 Replies
                            • I wouldn't say that it's our fault. Sure ppl used the best weapons (gally,thorn,hawk moon, black hammer, etc.) However. What about some exotics that are rarely used? A perfect example is super good advice. Only a few use this weapon. It's practically useless in pvp due to horse shoe and grenade rocket launchers. In pve, any heavy at 365 is on the same lvl as this weapon. Only thing it's decent at can be done by a lot of legendaries. Yet Bungie feels the need to wipe this gun away. Bungie is awful at content and balancing. I'm hoping that they will eventually get better at it (I doubt it tho.)[spoiler]There will be another "Gjallarhorn" tier weapon. This weapon will be hard to obtain and have the best dps in the game. Again, Bungie sucks at balancing stuff. Also. They need a "carrot on a stick" for players to chase after.[/spoiler]

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                              1 Reply
                              • There will always be weapons like Ghorn, it's what makes people play so much... Hunting those few elusive ones...

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                                • Edited by NathanW18: 8/25/2015 2:37:23 AM
                                  Pretty much. I think I'm more hyped for 2.0 than the new content tbh. Can't stand the exotic hand cannons dominating Crucible. I do use them myself, because everybody else does. I hope they get destroyed by this patch. I also don't think they will create another Gjallarhorn.

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                                  1 Reply
                                  • I like how you answer your own questions. Saves me the troubles

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • omg shut up noob get gud

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • I agree

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