Well since the V2 post was taken down I am going to make a V3 and see what happens( most likely downvoted to oblivion). Nonetheless I still feel that these posts should continue until the issue of Y1 exotics is discussed in the Weekly Update. I will not be blaming anyone or anything for the current issue at hand nor make any updates about the status of the post to prevent any risk of violation of forum rules. Now as the post suggests this is to bring all year 1 exotics forward into year 2 giving them the same attack and defense values as year 2 exotics. The amount of time us players have put into Destiny to obtain these year 1 exotics should be respected going forward. We should be allowed to have the option to use year 1 exotics, year 2 exotics, or a combination of both. By expanding the pool of exotics the diversity in Destiny will increase allowing more options for players to choose their exotics based on their various playstyles. Like, dislike, bump, sign, or leave a comment of your opinion of whether you are for or against bringing all year 1 exotics to year 2.
Thanks for the feedback. I have made the dev team aware of how you feel. I can't make any promises other than that I will continue to make them aware of how much you care about your Year One gear, and would like to take it with you into Year Two.
Bumpity bump bump
It was discussed. All of our exotics are coming... Eventually.
V3? <3
I don't get hung up on little things Bungie may have said a year ago. Things change in development all the time. The game is much better than it was at launch and if they don't change things from time to time then what's the point. I don't want to play year one Destiny anymore, I want year two Destiny.
Bump again
They said all the year one exotics were getting carried over, just not all of them right away.
#saveMIDA, there will be no scout with the same RoF in TTK, I've checked the updated armory.
All exotics will move forward but not all at launch.
Bump Also I think it's funny that the other posts were down voted into oblivion. Shows the point of view of the majority of active Destiny forum members.
Most likely all of our exotics will be transferable to taken king come time for January most likely , maybe sooner , I'm just guessing January and all of them will be usable again.
Well done on the post, we got cozmo to notice, thank God
I really do not care about the exotics anymore. I just wanted to keep the Look of my raid gear and would like my raid weapons to stay useful. I just really like those weapons. I hope I like the new ones....
Look it's kid who wants his Thorn and Ghally buffed into 2.0 stats because he can't use normal guns
i agree with TC
Please don't have year one exotics buffed I would prefer a fresh start and I'm sure a lot of people want this aswell because 300 of the millions of players playing this game say so on a post doesn't mean it's wanted by the community
Appropriate way to get a point across, if more player's expressed an opinion without insults like this post, I think the community as a whole could get ideas looked at more by the developers and hopefully keep bringing everyone in line with a game that works for both bungie\Activisions strategy and what players want with a game.
Big bump! Like you said, the diversity of playstyles is a bit ruined with the absence of subclass specific exotic gear!