Well since the V2 post was taken down I am going to make a V3 and see what happens( most likely downvoted to oblivion). Nonetheless I still feel that these posts should continue until the issue of Y1 exotics is discussed in the Weekly Update. I will not be blaming anyone or anything for the current issue at hand nor make any updates about the status of the post to prevent any risk of violation of forum rules. Now as the post suggests this is to bring all year 1 exotics forward into year 2 giving them the same attack and defense values as year 2 exotics. The amount of time us players have put into Destiny to obtain these year 1 exotics should be respected going forward. We should be allowed to have the option to use year 1 exotics, year 2 exotics, or a combination of both. By expanding the pool of exotics the diversity in Destiny will increase allowing more options for players to choose their exotics based on their various playstyles. Like, dislike, bump, sign, or leave a comment of your opinion of whether you are for or against bringing all year 1 exotics to year 2.
They'll probably introduce a fix with the spring dlc.
I'd be happy even if it was the armor that got carried over to year two! Bump this post!
Bump!!!!!!!! It's pathetic that they keep taking your posts down. The integrity of the company sure does show
The new exotics are poop..Is that really changing it up? Reskinned star fire protocol and the hunter arms? And a Titan helmet that makes you a bigass target??
Everybody remember to sign your questions tomorrow during the stream with either #NELB or Saveourexotics. See you guys tomorrow!
Bump. This needs to constantly stay trending so Bungie can't just ignore us. Exotics should be untouchable. They're exotics. The most coveted items in the game. We worked hard for them, and they deserve to stay relevant. Otherwise, what's the point of grinding for them year after year if they'll just be replaced by something else the next year.
I agree, except thorn. -blam!- thorn
For me its not even the exotics I want all my gear to be relevant still I was a week 2 player I started on xbox 360 and had to grind to level 34 then switched to ps4 and had to grind all over again but for bungie to basically say its all pointless is upsetting also I want guns and armor that are actually better than mine I don't want them to down grade all of our weapons to low levels and say the new gear is better just because they beat ours down
How are you not tired of all the exotics already.
Bump a bumpity bump.
Edited by TurboMotionX: 8/26/2015 5:27:14 AMWell look what we have here Another group of whiny 12 year olds who don't know how RPG/MMO/MMORPG games work. Get over it you stupid idiots. You wanna -blam!-ing use the same weapons for 10 years? You can't just -blam!-ing take a mother -blam!-ing weapon though every -blam!-ing expansion and -blam!-ing ascend it. I hope all of you get brain canc- oh wait, all of your brain cells already died anyways because of how dumb you are. Edit: [spoiler] obvious troll/b8 is obvious[/spoiler]
Sounding like a broken record on this point: Be thankful ANY exotics are coming forward. They could have taken the same route as [i]every other loot based quasi-MMO[/i] and made [i]everything[/i] irrelevant. They could have made it so that all of your year 1 stuff stays in year 1 content and never moves forward. People whining about wanting their gear to move forward with them would never survive a day in a typical MMO. And before someone says otherwise: DESTINY IS, IN FACT, AN MMORPG. It's just a barebones one compared to other buy to play MMOs, but the design [i]is the exact same[/i].
I think it's asinine that they would do this a DLC should not have this drastic of an impact on a game none of our hard earned gear should go obsolete until destiny 2 imho
Bro. Just stop. You've already been taken down 2 times already, who's to say this will be an exception? Just give up, and accept that your wondeful op guns won't be coming over.
Deej: you here something? Luke smith: probably just someone Bitchin on the forums. Deej: you sure? He might need our help! Luke smith: the moment I listen to a crybaby on the forum and change destiny will be the day I allow a year 2 Gjallarhorn!