Well since the V2 post was taken down I am going to make a V3 and see what happens( most likely downvoted to oblivion). Nonetheless I still feel that these posts should continue until the issue of Y1 exotics is discussed in the Weekly Update. I will not be blaming anyone or anything for the current issue at hand nor make any updates about the status of the post to prevent any risk of violation of forum rules. Now as the post suggests this is to bring all year 1 exotics forward into year 2 giving them the same attack and defense values as year 2 exotics. The amount of time us players have put into Destiny to obtain these year 1 exotics should be respected going forward. We should be allowed to have the option to use year 1 exotics, year 2 exotics, or a combination of both. By expanding the pool of exotics the diversity in Destiny will increase allowing more options for players to choose their exotics based on their various playstyles. Like, dislike, bump, sign, or leave a comment of your opinion of whether you are for or against bringing all year 1 exotics to year 2.
Signed. Bungie needs to do this.
Bump and signed
Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.
Tl;dr nobody cares
Gjallarhorny much?
So you want to bring the old stuff into the new stuff to be on the same level as the items? Yea..no.
It will all still be viable for PVP
Good another thread to down vote.
This is not going to happen and I agree with bungie on putting forward certain items
Bungie is taking the lazy way out?The same could be said for the players who want to just keep upgrading the same gear every expansion. How many games have you played that have the option to continually upgrade the same gear?None that I can think of.Most that do have a gear upgrade system allow an item to be upgraded once and it is find new gear.Get used to it
The time you put into year 1 exotics was respected... in year one. This is year two now.
Stop already!
Edited by EatingPubes: 8/25/2015 8:55:37 AMIs there any[b] f[/b]ucking wonder V1/V2 was taken down? Yet you make a V3? Are you thick or something? It is not going to change so stop talking about it and get past it. Enjoy Destiny for what it is in whatever changes.
Embrace the new.
Muted for being annoying
Paragraph. Jus saying.
Why are these still getting deleted? I dont get it
Eh, I get where this is coming from (and think it'll happen eventually), but I feel like we need to start branching out with our gear/weapon variety. If we bring Y1 exotics into Y2, then we'll all probably want Y1 and Y2 exotics in Y3 and Y 1/2/3 in Y4 etc... I for one don't want to be using the same stuff year after year after year. I cringe at the thought of using GHorn in year 10. Hell, I'd hate to be using it in Y3.
Sorry but no. You are not meant to keep and only use the same weapons or armor from year 1 all the way to the end of the game. Get over it and move on. No they do not have to respect any amount of time you put in the game at all. Get over it. In almost every other mmo based game you have to change gear as you upgrade and get better. you dont get to keep lower/older gear and have it do as well as newer/higher gear.
Thorn tlw ghorn keep them at year 1. They broke this game. Bring the rest.
Leave the Gally and the Thorn in the dust. We all know why.
Do you always want bungie to write code so you can use gjallahorn and thorn in gta and cod for you as well? Shut up, this is a dumb complaint.
The save our exotics petitions are sort of stupid because they said that not all exotics will be put into taken king [b]AT LAUNCH[/b] which means they might put the exotics in later just not immediately