Well since the V2 post was taken down I am going to make a V3 and see what happens( most likely downvoted to oblivion). Nonetheless I still feel that these posts should continue until the issue of Y1 exotics is discussed in the Weekly Update. I will not be blaming anyone or anything for the current issue at hand nor make any updates about the status of the post to prevent any risk of violation of forum rules. Now as the post suggests this is to bring all year 1 exotics forward into year 2 giving them the same attack and defense values as year 2 exotics. The amount of time us players have put into Destiny to obtain these year 1 exotics should be respected going forward. We should be allowed to have the option to use year 1 exotics, year 2 exotics, or a combination of both. By expanding the pool of exotics the diversity in Destiny will increase allowing more options for players to choose their exotics based on their various playstyles. Like, dislike, bump, sign, or leave a comment of your opinion of whether you are for or against bringing all year 1 exotics to year 2.
The save our exotics petitions are sort of stupid because they said that not all exotics will be put into taken king [b]AT LAUNCH[/b] which means they might put the exotics in later just not immediately
Just let it go man. Let it go
I don't understand why everyone is getting upset about some exotics not moving to year 2. For those who aren't aware, times change. Weapons aren't always going to be as effective. You can't expect a rifle from the 1900's to be as effective as a weapon in 2015. Sure it sucks that everyone has had to grind to get a lot of these weapons, but at the end of the day you're going to have to enjoy taking them to the gun range (crucible) as opposed to war (PvE). You'll find a new favorite weapon, I promise. And if you don't just blame Deej.
They should bring forward all the exotics from HoW, the Vex Mythoclast and Necrochasm. The new ones and the Raid Exotics.
There is literally no reason to make year one exotics obsolete, you're already taking the legendaries away. Just stop.
Thank god bungie got in here instead of getting rid of another post
You'd think they'd understand the concept of growing your arsenal instead of limiting your choices. This goes for armor as well. Why would we grind and grind for hours for weapons and armor only to have them rendered obsolete within a year?...and why would Bungie think that we would want to scrap all that and do the same thing in year 2, only to have them do the same thing to those year two items AGAIN? Work with me, Bungie...
Minimum we need is all raid exotics as well as poe exotics ( they are real cool and we hardly had time to use them). Five weapons i would also like to see hardlight because we really never saw it shine. Could we agree on this? Thoughts
Only now someone from Bungie replies to one of these?
#noexoticleftbehind I don't even care if the old ones are revamped. Just bring them up to the new relevant stat values.
Signed. Why do they keep removing the thread? What about free speech? I guess they figure if they bury the thread they bury the problem.
It's destiny 1. We can give up exotics in destiny 2. This year business is lame
Which ones are you most upset about, and please don't say all of them because you know we don't use them all. Yes, we ALL put in the time to gain this gear, but to continue lugging dead weight around seems very pointless to me. I think the exotic armor introduced in HoW was some of the best, and the weapons are mediocre at best. So tell me my friend, which ones are you most upset about? On another note, Bungie really has to do a better job articulating their logic behind some of the changes and not expect a very vocal community to just sit there and take it. I think that's where the problem lies!
They traded our beloved Dinklebot for that nerdy Nolandroid. Bring back Dinklebot, save humanity #ghostlivesmatter