Keep in mind I'm still in HS so I still get to do stupid things. Normally, I'm a cool guy to get along with. But there was one day where I had a below average day and a dink stole my seat on the bus. This kid annoys everyone on the bus so I was okay with what was I was about to do. I go in the seat in front of him, sit on the back part, and slid down on to the kid. The kid then grabs my belt loops instead of moving out of the way and I'm like "uh oh". So as I continue to slide down my pants go up and everyone in the back of the bus gets a good shot of my bare butt and the kid gets it square in the face. I didn't get too embarrassed because at the time I was like "yea, I won that game of chicken". And looking back on it I get a story out of it.
I just realize this section is about what you heard and not what you did. Oh well.
Real smooth
Nah man it's all good