He will be revealing all the new exotics. Then they will let us know that there will be a new currency for TTK. Then the will have the best exotic for sale by Xur the first day he comes after TTK. Then it won't show up again in his inventory until 1 month before year 3 drops and it will be a .0001% drop chance.
Sounds about right.
Meanwhile Deejnutz is like "HA GOT EEMM"
Might be he sells the PS exclusives as they're due to become available on Xbox....
Therefore... Buy the first exotic he sells...
Well to be fair the pattern would be the second exotic he sells will be the holy grail of the year. But I personally doubt that bungie will follow this pattern unless they do introduce a new currency for Xur. As too many of us have excess strange coins at the moment.
Buying the first two ....just in case!
True. You never know what the next greatest hit will be. I'm just glad that with the new blue print system, you'll only need to own one to make the other two whenever you want. ....Huh with 3 for the price of one, I guess I wouldn't be surprised if Xur doesn't raise his prices...That really would suck.
I will buy every exotic he brings. That's the safe way