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originally posted in: Wake Up And Smell The Easy Mode
Edited by me2ez: 8/25/2015 9:13:03 PM
[quote]"M-m-muh weapons" He cried as his favorite weapons were nerfed. You guys do realize why Bungie is making everything (apart from a few exotics) UN-upgradable? They're essentially wiping the guns clean and it's OUR fault. Still using that old sniper from TDB that has final round? Not anymore. Still cheesing bosses and being an elitist about Gjallarhorn? Nope. Playing Crucible easy mode and getting the highest K/D in Crucible because Thorn? You wish. Blink Shotgunning your way to victory? R.I.P. Scrub. Destroying Sepiks, Walkers, Archon Priest, Atheon, etc with Black Hammer and Ice Breaker? Get outta here. Am I guilty of these things? Of course I am.[/quote] 1. It is never a consumers fault for paying and playing a game, abusing the guns and mechanics THEY designed isnt something you should blame yourself for... EVER. I hope you realize that kiddo. 2. Final round on a sniper will be a beast of an option and i cant wait to test out my spear with the shift in this perk. 3. so many people seem to be ignoring the fact that all rockets are getting a 10% buff in blast radius and ghorns extra damage from wolf pack rounds will still be severely effective, at least im willing to bet so, they just wont be such a crutch for elitist to make invite choices. 4. people very well might still use thorn because of its rate of fire and the fact the damage over time is still damage over time, if youre good at this game, it doesnt matter what gun you use, youll still remain ontop of the board with a high kd. 5. Cant wait for the blink nerf but again, its still going to be used because of its effectiveness of becoming unpredictable for the person shooting at you, just less effective. Doesnt mean someone is a scrub because they use what they paid for. 6. i dont even know what to say to this, plenty of people will still kill these bosses easily, not because of what guns they use but simply because of how easy it is to kill these guys in general, icebreaker or not. Are you guilty of anything at all? No, youre not. You paid for a product, and you played with what you paid for. point is, this thread is toxic and doesnt make any sense at all. i cant wait for TTK just so this sort of nonsense isnt trending.

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  • Woah, was I trending?

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  • even the op is surprised this nonsense is getting traction.

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  • Not really nonsense. I'll reply to your points as honestly as I can. 1. It's our fault for elitism, nothing more. Bungie is at fault for taking too long to put a simple nerf on Thorn and buff on auto rifles. 2. Final Round won't 1 shot body shots anymore. You can't tell me a 1 shot body shot isn't OP. 3. I like this point. The comment on making it so elitist won't be so, well, elitist is all I want from this community. 4. Yes, and they're allowed to use Thorn. No one said otherwise. I just look forward to weapon diversity. 5. You're allowed to use blink, I honestly don't care. Blink shotty is kinda OP at times, so the blink nerf is needed. If they still use it after the patch, that's their choice. 6. Bungie is trying to be more creative in TTK, and I look forward to that. We just need a more entertaining way to kill something. Take Templar for example. [quote]Are you guilty of anything at all? No, you're not.[/quote] Yes I am, yes we are. Elitism is still a problem this community as a whole faces. [quote]point is, this thread is toxic and doesn't make any sense at all. i cant wait for TTK just so this sort of nonsense isn't trending.[/quote] Toxic? You mean like the people that cry over nerfs, or the people hating women because they're women? What about racism? The people who hate another player for playing a different class? The people requesting you pay them to get to the light house or beat Skolas? People whining over every little thing that only affects them in the slightest? I'm sorry, but my post is anything but "Toxic." I explain my points in a decent well behaved and well written manner. I interact with the comment section. I don't call people out on their bullshit. I sympathize with people who play differently than me. I try to understand where someone as a person stands on my topic of discussion. I don't insult their comments. [i]-Totally Not Kabr, AKA, Turfer.[/i]

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  • Edited by me2ez: 8/25/2015 8:55:30 PM
    1. There will be elitist is EVERY aspect of anything every produced, manufactured or made.. elites in general are who hold the sway of success depending on what youre talking about.. especially video games. I dont think i need to mention again how i disagree with the concept of it all but its there.. just like manipulated democracy... its out of our hands. However in this situation bungie and bungie alone is responsible for testing every aspect of the usage of their guns, its even in the terms and conditions of this product, THEY OWN THIS GAME, not us... i think we can both agree they arent doing a very good job with that. its like they are just programming different and odd mechanics because they sound or seem cool without thinking outside of the box on the depth of how they effect the game. ergo... you cant blame that sort of shit on the consumer for using what they paid for in something as harmless and simple as a fuking video game. (soory for that long rant, i type fast) 2. ya i agree but its going to be a powerful pve option and im thankful that i have a last round spear to explore the adjustment and apply it to the pve side of things because the only time i ever did use my last round spear is to retaliate to those in trials who wanted to "throw the first punch" if you will. I dont regret rerolling my spear to have final round for this purpose and this purpose alone. AGAIN, bungies the one to blame for allowing this perk to go untested in the first place on high impact rifles. 3. hurray for common ground, i know your capable of sensible retorts. 4. couldnt agree more. 5. dont disagree with that, it needed a nerf. 6. elaborate on the templar fight because for me every single fight in this game aside from aetheon (and even then its a stretch) is a complete nagging bereft bore. This thread does provoke a certain parasitic type of argument by saying we are at fault for using the things they are responsible for testing and providing.. they could defiantly up the pace with hotfixes on the issues they seem to prolong.

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  • Gjallahorn cheese is stupid. You don't need gjallahorn for anything. If enough of you -blam!-ing hit crota with normal rockets he will go down. Atheon is actually easier without rocket firing assholes. He moves when you fire rockets or grenades. Snipers kill him quicker. -blam!-ing moron.

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  • im a -blam!-ing moron even though i agree with your point? i solo crota WITHOUT ghorn... so youre kinda preaching to the quire broski.. try being less belligerent? oh wait these are bungie forums... silly me.

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  • Edited by Phat King Bing: 8/25/2015 4:31:38 PM
    No you want the update. I don't. The only part of the update I want is the auto buff. Everything else is just like what happened the first time. Nerf one buff one and you'll always have imbalance. But leave one alone and bring the others to it and you have balance. Bungie is about to nerf my favorite weapon class because of some -blam!-ing kinds getting killed by thorn. I've loved handcannons since the beginning. -blam!- you stupid shit heads that can't deal with a dot weapon. -blam!- you for ruining my favorite weapon class. Back to the days of hold down the trigger to win.

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  • This game is reviewed as a 6/10, 7/10 game... honestly... ANY update at all is something i want, and if youre a fan you should want the same. i post this video because its me playing and as you can see... i dont have a "problem" with thorn and blink and high kd's at all.. im just not a complete fuking moron like you and i know what needs change and what doesnt.

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  • When they nerfed autorifles. If they had just buffed the handcannons and the pulse rifles and left the autorifles alone. The crucible would be the happiest laggy place in destiny. But instead they -blam!-ed up. And they're doing it again. My problem with destiny is that they don't seem to listen to the community or learn from past mistakes. Lack of content? Let's make the old raid obsolete. Want to actually customize your guardian? Nope you'll wear whatever stupid shit we put in year 2. Know why? Cause all we care about is how long you grind to pad our playtime stats. Not gonna lie most if the armor in this game looks like trash. I hate the majority of the warlock cloaks. The vault one is awesome. The voidfang vestments are awesome as well. Everything else looks like shit. I'd like to keep my current looks please. Nope well -blam!- you.

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  • [quote][quote]"M-m-muh weapons" He cried as his favorite weapons were nerfed. You guys do realize why Bungie is making everything (apart from a few exotics) UN-upgradable? They're essentially wiping the guns clean and it's OUR fault. Still using that old sniper from TDB that has final round? Not anymore. Still cheesing bosses and being an elitist about Gjallarhorn? Nope. Playing Crucible easy mode and getting the highest K/D in Crucible because Thorn? You wish. Blink Shotgunning your way to victory? R.I.P. Scrub. Destroying Sepiks, Walkers, Archon Priest, Atheon, etc with Black Hammer and Ice Breaker? Get outta here. Am I guilty of these things? Of course I am.[/quote] 1. It is never a consumers fault for paying and playing a game, abusing the guns and mechanics THEY designed isnt something you should blame yourself for... EVER. I hope you realize that kiddo. 2. Final round on a sniper will be a beast of an option and i cant wait to test out my spear with the shift in this perk. 3. so many people seem to be ignoring the fact that all rockets are getting a 10% buff is blast radius and ghorns extra damage from wolf pack rounds will still be severely effective, at least im willing to bet so, they just wont be such a crutch for elitist to make invite choices. 4. people very well might still use thorn because of its rate of fire and the fact the damage over time is still damage over time, if youre good at this game, it doesnt matter what gun you use, youll still remain ontop of the board with a high kd. 5. Cant wait for the blink nerf but again, its still going to be used because of its effectiveness of becoming unpredictable for the person shooting at you, just less effective. Doesnt mean someone is a scrub because they use what they paid for. 6. i dont even know what to say to this, plenty of people will still kill these bosses easily, not because of what guns they use but simply because of how easy it is to kill these guys in general, icebreaker or not. Are you guilty of anything at all? No, youre not. You paid for a product, and you played with what you paid for. point is, this thread is toxic and doesnt make any sense at all. i cant wait for TTK just so this sort of nonsense isnt trending.[/quote] 1: it is the player base's fault for making them "elite" weapons, not Bungie's 2: your opinion. But many will begin to dislike their final round sniper due to the lack of an automatic one hit kill (assuming they hit) 3: Gjallerhorn, although it will be [i]almost[/i] as effective as it is now, will not be carried into Year Two. So the TTK raid will not be cheesed by Gjallerhorn, due to its ineffectiveness against any enemy above level 34. 4: yup. It'll be just as effective, if not more so) in crucible. However, it won't be the weapon everybody seeks out anymore 5: Ok. Maybe they'll use blink shotgun, but maybe not, too... 6: the point is not that players cheese bosses, raids, strikes, or whatever. Players will do that regardless of how much the developer tries to get them not to. It is that Bungie doesn't want people doing things the same way they did in year one. PvP will probably remain similar, but the PvE endgame will probably change... A lot.

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  • its the players fault for making guns elite that are made to be elite by the developers? .. im just going to stop there.

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  • It's their fault for exclusively using them and [i]excluding other players for not having them[/i]

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  • it is [b]NEVER[/b] a consumers fault for playing with what they paid for. the only fault is that elitist make elite decisions on what and who plays with them. the update will attempt to fix that among other things.

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  • Ok. You have your opinion. I have mine. I see where you are coming from, but I don't think I could ever change your mind, so I will cease to attempt to argue against your "Consumers are[quote][b][i][u]NEVER[/u][/i][/b][/quote] to blame" argument.

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  • Edited by me2ez: 8/25/2015 8:39:49 PM
    what youre saying is like saying im a person who bought a broken toyota and its my fault when the breaks stop working for not checking to make sure my brand new cars break lines are working correctly. my never blame the consumer argument revolves around the usage of the weapons that they are responsible for testing in abundance and provide.. not out right belligerently in general as youre making it seem

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